Sacks' Latest: 'Choosing Foster Parents over Fathers'

From Glenn Sacks:

'My new co-authored column, Choosing Foster Parents over Fathers (San Diego Union-Tribune, 7/11/07), discusses perhaps the worst verified child custody/family law injustice against a father and a daughter which I have ever seen--the outrageous Melinda Smith foster care case.' Excerpt:

"In the heartbreaking Melinda Smith case, a father and daughter were needlessly separated by the foster care system for over a decade. Last week, Los Angeles County settled a lawsuit over the case for an undisclosed sum. Yet a recent Urban Institute study found that the Smith case typifies the way the foster care system harms children by disregarding the loving bonds they share with their fathers."

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Whether it is adoption, divorce, foster care or whatever, ideological feminists are going for broke to separate fathers from their kids. This is key in their struggle for a separatist utopia, where a few men are kept around as sperm donors (provided they are manginas).

My bet is that parential alienation legislation in some states, has these women seething like a cauldron.


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Manginas would not be sperm donors in a feminist Utopia. Feminsts are attempting to create manginas in an effort to turn ordinary women away from men to the feminist cause. But, the sperm donors in a feminist utopia would be men who meet the feminist definition of masculinity - brutal, sex obsessed, heartless, 'tall dark and handsome' manly men. That would be the only way it would work. In order to suppress heterosexuality in females in the utopia and at the same time allow them to get their fix when the urge gets to strong. Average heterosexual women are utterly repulsed by manginas. They crave masculinity like crack and if masculinity gets reduced in the general population the remaining men would have to be the absolute epitome of the masculine archetype.

Otherwise the whole thing would collapse. Manginas would be maids and nanny's but they'd still get no pussy in a feminist utopia. They'd be as hated there as they are in this society. Women would simply go to the nearest detention center get fucked and live out all their kinky rape fantasies in a controlled environment. Why do you think the most infamous men in prison get marriage proposals by the hundreds? Because women absolutely love bad boys and they see a man in prison as a safe outlet to satisfy a deviant fantasy.

You misjudge women Ax, even they hate manginas.

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I probably should have said "honorary women" instead of "manginas". An honorary woman is basically a man who has been converted to the radical feminist cause and is a devout feminist. If they had to keep men around as sperm donors, those are the type of men they would have to be.

I'm not really sure what a mangina is, I first saw it on this board.

"Honorary woman" and "ideological feminist" are the terms used by the authors of "Spreading/Legalizing Misandry". They give solid reasons for using these terms, instead of "gender feminist", "radical feminist" or whatever (not that the other terms are necessarily wrong).

You know guys, I'm really not exaggerating about the separatist feminist utopia (except for the "sperm donors"). If you read the "Misandry" books, you too will become convinced it is true. Also if you think carefully about the last couple of decades, you will see that things slowly but surely are headed in that direction ("women's banks" etc; legislation giving women special privileges; separating fathers from their families, etc). Also I have read where some of the feminists are _avowed_ separatists, like some of the ones in the "women's studies" departments at universities. And the incredible thing is, this type of mentality has come to be accepted by so many people (that is, they don't have a problem with some people having that mentality), as in when people casually say, "yes, so and so is a radical feminist separatist who hates what?". I

It is unbelievable to me that so many people don't recognize this for the sicko, abominable, hate pathology that it is. If any other group besides women felt this way, it would be instantly recognized for the psychopathic sickness that it is.

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Yes, the rad-fems want a utopia for women. But the rad-fems are nuts. If they ever succeeded in creating such a "utopia" as their dream is, it would NOT be the 'honorary women' who would be sperm donors except maybe to sperm banks to be used by lesbians with turkey basters. But the women that actually like men but still think they should be separate from the feminist Utopian society will flock to prisons for conjugal visits with men who fit the masculine archetype. Those women HATE honorary women. They crave masculinity.

In other words, all those new age guys who converted to the religion of feminism in hope of getting some pussy are still NEVER going to get laid because rad-fems are dykes and women who are hetero-feminst supporters still like real men.

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The only thing I'm wondering is, __what the heck are you talking about__??

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You said honorary women - men who act like women - would be the sperm donors in a feminist utopia.

I simply disagree with that notion because even women do not like men who act like women and would choose a masculine man in a heartbeat even as a sperm donor over a honorary woman.

Feminists created honorary women but they would serve virtually no part in any Utopian society feminists managed to create.

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