On YouTube: Glenn Sack Talks About Bias in the Media

Check out this 10 minute video, in which Sacks talks about several specific cases where television, movie and musical performers, reinforce the idea that violence by women is OK.

One of these really astonished me, it is a video of a woman getting revenge on her ex by tearing up his car with a knife and baseball bat. It turns out the video was the first one ever written and directed by a woman to achieve "video of the year" awards, and was voted number one on CMT. Incredible!

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The world needs more people talking in public forums about this kind of discrimination!

Keep up the great work guys!

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The way I worded the post, you might think the video with the lady destroying the car, is actually shown at the link. It's not, the video just shows Sacks talking about it. Bad choice of wording.

Another thing is that at least yesterdy, at the end of the video there is another video link about a 19 minute or so "truth about violent women". I watched it, it's pretty good (except the wording at the end is slightly politicized, as it mentions the "left" as the guilty party)


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Wasn't Jim Brown convicted of domestic violence when he did the same thing with a car. Actually, if I recall, Brown didn't destroy his wife's car. He destroyed his own car. When a man destroys his own car, it's domestic violence. When a woman destroys her mans car, it wins the video of the year award.

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I can see where, in a sense, destroying your own car is DV, like if the woman herself was also using the car. Is that what you mean?

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I was referring to the double standards. I don't believe a person destroying their own car is DV (unless, perhaps, if the spouse/partner is inside the car). It may be stupid, but it's not DV.

When Jim Brown destroyed his own car, this was considered DV by the media, DV advocates, and the court system. When a woman destroys her boyfriend/husbands car, as in the video, this is considered an acceptable act.

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Quite true.


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