Fathers need to be in teenagers’ lives

Letter here. Excerpt:

'Several “experts” surmise that sex education classes in Texas’ schools is not working. I think there is another reason.

Countless studies show that a father’s absence increases his daughter’s risk of teen pregnancy.
If so, it sounds like these young girls may be seeking a father figure when they have unprotected sex. One way to keep young girls from looking for father figures is to give them fathers; biological birth-fathers.'

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many fathers of babies born to teen mothers are actually much older, sometimes in their 30s. If so, it sounds like these young girls may be seeking a father figure when they have unprotected sex.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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Yeah I saw that... real LOL stuff. "Look out world, 30-something men are shagging your 14-YO daughters left and right!!

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The world is already watching this phenomena in it's usual pre-packaged, over reactive, fear mongering, reality-tv meats the soap opera, 'to catch a predator' fashion.

Hmmm, maybe Dateline's got it wrong. After reading this article, it almost sounds like teen girls are actively preying on vulnerable older men.

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...definilty are, how else can they get a free living. First you pick some dope to have sex with, make sure hes got a good job. Once your pregnate, accuse him of raping, seducing..ect, ect...Now sit back and collect your money, and dont worry if your not sure who the father is, nobody cares and the state will find someone to pay support, even if he is not the father, and dont worry about anyone thinking bad thoughts of you, because it wasnt your fault, your were seduced by the bad man!

Fuck chivery, go out and piss off a western women today! And that little sleeze bag who gives you the eye, you know the one that looks 18 at the most, give her the fucking bird and laugh in her face!!!

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This means turning down--and ignoring--99.9% of women in western CUNTries.

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
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*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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