Murray Straus CSM Testimony Available

The New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men's web site won't be updated until next week at the earliest, so I thought I'd make available the audio recording of Dr. Straus' testimony. It's very worthwhile listening material, both for the information on domestic violence, as well as insight into the state of the Commission. You can download an mp3 of the audio here (22 MB).

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I'd like to add that Dr. Straus' visit received some great media exposure; the AP published a piece and I've seen it or an original story in three major NH newspapers, as well as the Boston Globe. It's very satisfying to see that the Commission is facilitating this awareness.


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Just listened to the entire MP3 audio document.

Murray Straus is a soft-spoken genius.

This man defines what it means to be "objective" and a scholar.

The NH Men's Commission never let him give his prepared presentation, instead they all peppered him with questions.

Dr. Straus handled it well, in typical scientific style.

Of interest, there are at least two feminist "plants/spys/trojan horses" on the NH Men's Commission.

They baited and interrogated Dr. Straus for the express purpose of discrediting his research. (They failed.)

(Perhaps this commission is a feminist front? Or one seeking to escape that fate?)

There are several important themes coming out of this dialogue ---

* dominance in a relationship is gender-neutral. Women or men can seek to dominate a relationship.

* people ignore what they don't want to see ... i.e. female violence

* 1/3rd of partner homicides are committed by women (and women's "equality" correlates with greater incidences of female violent crime)

* mass media coverage of the gender wars usually covers "both sides," but never examines the credibility of the research

* the major cause of domestic violence is one person trying to stop the perceived unacceptible behavior of their intimate partner... to mandate a change, usually with a punishment as the penalty

*females hit their partners first

* self-defense is only 20% of the explanation for female aggression


Scott, thanks for getting this info out as an MP3 while the transcript may come later.

Important "theory" for all MRAs!

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Recently, I wrote a letter to a domestic violence organization (Family Violence Prevention Fund) complaining about their tactic of ignoring male victims and female perpetrators of DV -- and holding only males responsible. Here is the response I received from Rachael Smith:

Dear Mr [Gregory]

Thank you for your letter dated June 26, 2006 and for sharing your views. Certainly, everyone here agrees that all victims of domestic violence deserve help and support, and that we need a balanced response to the violence that is plaguing so many families and communities.

Since women are the victims in the vast majority of domestic assaults in which injury or homicide occurs we are very comfortable with the choices we have made in terms of our campaigns and initiatives to engage men in positive solutions. The Family Violence Prevention Fund's work makes a tremendous difference in teaching the next generation that violence is wrong, helping health care providers become part of the solution, training judges to understand the dynamics of abuse, and reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act, which President Bush signed in January. I am sure you know that this bill is gender-neutral, and I hope you agree that it offers real hope to all victims of violence.

Thank you again for your letter and for giving us much food for thought.

Rachael Smith

As you can see, it's the same old feminist crap justifying sexist policies and practices, while ignoring the damaging effects that VAWA and the DV industry have on men, women, children and families. Does she really believe that VAWA is gender-neutral in any way other than word only?

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Straus has some interesting comments about the recently reauthorized "gender-neutral" VAWA in his NH Men's Commission testimony linked above.

He expressed skepticism about whether the administrative & funding practices under VAWA would actually change.

(The new language does not actually mandate services for men, it only says "nothing in this act shall be construed..." to prevent such services. Clever rhetoric, another cute con job by Sen. Joe Biden, the "Father of VAWA.")

If you take the trouble to visit the DOJ's Office on Violence Against Women web site and read the terms and conditions required to apply for VAWA grant funding, you will discover that no men's shelter or men's DV counseling could ever qualify unless they are allied with an established feminist program and have a "track record" of partnering with existing agencies.

In other words, nothing "new" that competes with the dominant state-sanctioned feminist system will be funded.

The "plague" of domestic violence that Ms. Smith cites above is the critical fiction and myth sustaining the DV Industry.

DOJ stats claim that domestic violence accounts for less than 2% of women's emergency room visits. Falling is the primary cause of an E.R. admit.

So, where is the actual "plague?" If there were one, wouldn't every person know at least ten DV victims?

(Of course, it's important to note that the feminists define "domestic violence" as including such brutal acts as "ignoring her needs, the silent treatment, or an angry glance.")

Straus in his testimony stated that men's violence against women has decreased while women's violence against men has not.

Feminism is a BUSINESS now.

A very profitable one.

It will be "reformed" about the same time that Wal-Mart becomes small community cooperatives owned by its employees.

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I would really love it if someone was able start a class action lawsuit on behalf of abused children or spouses who were victimized by women inadequately dealt with by the justice system. Feminist organisations, media and the government would all be on the hook.

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