Virginia wants to know if you might be a dad

Story here. Excerpt:

"The state Department of Social Services wants any man who is not married to a woman but could be the father of a child with her to voluntarily fill out a one-page registration.

The law, which went into effect July 1, is designed to protect men's rights in the case of a future adoption.

State officials emphasized that the confidential database is not an attempt to track sexual activity or partners. But it suggests men register "after relations with new partners or continued relations with the same woman."

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"If fathers don't file the paperwork, they give up their right for the state to inform them about a possible adoption or if they've lost their parental rights."

Not as if men have that much say anyway, but what this law is trying to do is further put the matter of who takes responsible action onto the man entirely and further distance women away from their exercising the moral obligation to inform a man that he may be the father of a child she is carrying.

Is NOW behind this?

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THAT is a HILARIOUS statement!!

oregon dad

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How about the 5th amendment right against self-incrimination. A commentator pointed out the Virginia has criminal laws against fornication. All the more leverage to use against a man.

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It would take me a week to explain all the reasons this law is a bad idea, but I'll try to be brief and stick to the article.

Never mind that fornication -- sex between unmarried adults -- is a misdemeanor in Virginia. So I guess by asking men to register, the state is also asking them to cop to a crime -- rarely enforced, but nonetheless, a crime.

Wow, Virginia's sex offender registry is going to grow exponentially. Pre-register as a sex offender before we arrest you to save your self the shock of having to do so later. More on that later...

Lawmakers passed the law creating the voluntary registry as a way to protect a man's rights and allow the state to notify him more quickly if a child he may have fathered is placed up for adoption.

I cannot believe how asinine that statement is. Will they also give the "father" the right to take the child without still having to fight the State who is already in the process of adopting it to a lovely lesbian couple and spend hundreds of thousands in legal fees and go through hell the whole way?

DSS officials said registering means the state doesn't have to search high and low for the biological father, allowing an adoption to speed along. It also gives papa a chance to block the adoption if he wants to raise the child.

Unless of course men actually choose to comply with this moronic law - I' recommend suicide as a good option to any man who even considers complying. But, if all men did comply after they had sex, it certainly would not make the job of locating daddy any easier as for each baby their likely be over 100 men registered as a potential father because lets face it, women like to fuck and they fuck ALLOT more people then men do. At least it would serve to debunk the myth that women are faithful and don't screw around once and for all as each new single mother would have to face the fact that she slept with about 10 guys a month last year and over a hundred registered as potential daddies.

A father can register before a child is born, even if he is not aware of a pregnancy. Also the state suggests registering within 10 days of the birth, of receiving notice to register or within 10 days of discovering fraud by the mother.

Advice, stop lying to women about how much money you make to land them in bed for a one night stand as the likely hood of you receiving a 'notice to register' [hmm, sounds just like sex offenders again... gee and you thought they'd stop at the pedophiles when it came to dehumanizing men] goes up dramatically the more money you tell her you have.

To register, men are asked to fill out a form they can get at their local DSS office or online at The hotline number is (877) IF-DADDY.

The form asks for the name of the mother and potential father along with his Social Security number and employment information, and it contains questions that try to pinpoint where and when the man and woman may have conceived the child

Again, if you even think of providing your name and social security number and how much you make on a piece of paper for the state in relation to a potential child being born you might as well buy a gun and kill your self right this very moment as that is just asking to be forced into slavery by the State who will use that information against you if any woman ever claims you are a father. They'll let you know you MAY BE a father after they start garnishing your pay check.

Oh, and if you fill out part B - the part asking you to describe the details surrounding how the baby came into this world, well my friend you'd better get real comfortable with registering with the State of Virginia because you are just begging to be put on the sex offender registry as well. More on that in a moment.

However, a number of parties -- including the mother, lawyers involved in adoptions and parental right cases as well as court employees and other state registries -- can request access for a search.

Oh, 'other state registries' have access to the information huh? Gee, I wonder what "other state registries" might have interest in knowing about a man's sexual activity? Law enforcement is not even going to bother investigating crimes or waiting for victims to file complaints, they'll just start looking at the baby daddy registry and charing people with sex offenses. Who cares if the bitch didn't cry rape, I mean just the fact that the male had sex out of wedlock is still technically a sex crime in Virginia and with this baby daddy registry police will have written confessions from the offenders to use against them in court. Who needs rape complaints any more when police will have this.

As the back-and-forth wound down, Williams concluded about the law, "It's probably got its goods and its bads."

Aside from actually getting some real data on the promiscuity of females as reported by people with no motivation whatsoever to lie - if they falsely claim to have slept with the bitch when they didn't it could easily result in 18 years of hell on Earth for the guy - can some one please explain to me what could possibly be good about this law?

If your goal is the complete and utter destruction of the family and all relations between the sexes this is the best thing to come along in all of history. Since family and sex are what keeps the species going, the end of those things would be the end of humanity and this law sure does it's part towards that end. But if you think humanity is not doomed and that men and women should get back to working together for the greater good of the species, then I just can't see anything good here. Please, someone tell me how this could possibly be good at doing anything other then making relations between men and women worse?

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Only a legislative idiot would propose such a bill and only a legislative idiot would be brain-dead enough to vote for it. Get their names and in the next election, give them the boot.

Like0 Dislike0 the law was passed by those "legislative idiots" you mention so aside from getting their names and voting them out the people of Virginia had better say loud and clear that the only way any new set of "legislative idiots" is going to get into office is to promise to immediately repeal that moronic law.

And since politicians are so very good at keeping their promises you know damn well that even if some new schmucks get in on a promise to repeal that law, they will feel absolutely no obligation to keep said promise once in office.

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DSS officials said registering means the state doesn't have to search high and low for the biological father

The state doesn't have to search high and low for the father, just force the mother to tell them, or provide a list. And why would the father only be sought out if the kid is placed up for adoption? Why not when the kid is born, if the mother can't, or won't, provide the father's name, here's a good first place to look.

Every man in Virginia should go report that they've slept with [insert any famous celebrity here].

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but it seems that the most telling sign that this is a scam is the fact that there a many other ways to protect mens' rights as fathers without this nonsense.

They just want a way to track fathers for child support payments once the deadbeat mothers decide they want that source of income and go file for aid.

How about the stipulation that fathers who are registered get enforced equal custody?
Won't the NOW whine about that.

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She can only narrow the list of potentials down to 42?

Heck, even if fathers do fill out the paperwork if the girl they slept with is a horny bitch,when it comes time to rape daddies wallet and kill his soul, some cunt working for the State will probably just put the list of potentials on an office wall, throw a dart at it and garnish the wages of who ever the dart lands on or closest to. That, or if they all filled out the paperwork properly, the one that has the best job of the ones the State has not already arrested randomly and convicted of a sex crime - cause the police will take the same list but throw maybe 3 or 4 darts at the list and arrest them to ensure the federal money fountain that is AWA keeps on flowing.

There are just so fucking many things wrong with this legislation that it could only have been dreamed up by a feminist.

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The law charitably mandates that -"Registration is free."

So were the gas chambers.

How long will it be before "voluntary" registration of your sexual activity becomes "not-so-voluntary?"

Is there something in the water in Virgina?

It seems to be a canary-in-the-mineshaft for brain-deadness kind of place... is their state song the soundtrack from The Twilight Zone?

dodoododoododoo? (1/4 meter....)

Well, it was a slave state after all.

Maybe Virginian men in their state legislature are just nostalgic for the old days, only now, THEY get to pass laws to define who are the new modern slaves?

Too many slow-talking crackers for me.

You can go out for a sandwich and fries before a typical Virginia politican finishes his sentence.

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This is just the beginning, of sneaking in anther legalistic method to nail guys for child support. What kind of an idiot would register with the state, something that says "I may be a father.."? If he didn't already own up to it, I suspect he won't want to at a later stage, unless he wants to pay back child support.
They could probably use this to force guys to get paternity tests.
If guys start signing these, maybe there really IS something in their water.

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Why on EARTH would any man do such a stupid thing as paint a virtual target on his back by registering?

This is almost as scary as IMBRA.

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-what is "IMBRA", for example is it another example of fascist misandric policy?


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"The state Department of Social Services wants any man who is not married to a woman but could be the father of a child with her to voluntarily fill out a one-page registration"

I guess this could be called an example of an insult to one's intelligence?


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...inform men that the one page registration form wants them to divulge personal data such as social security number, job information which can be divulged to child support agencies and your former sex partners lawyer. Oh, and please fill out the second half where you provide a written confession regarding sexual activity that is technically a crime in the State of Virginia and we should also mention that "other State registries" (how many State registries do you know of that are interested in knowing about a males sexual activities?) and officials have access to this information.

Yup, signing one of those forms is just a swell idea, nothing bad could come of it at all. Nope, it has only one purpose. It's all about men's rights!

Maybe, they'll follow the example of the UK when it comes time for this law to come up for review - The UK has just passed a new law that allows police to collect DNA samples from people they pull over for traffic violations to be added to that nations national database - and take a DNA sample from every man who registers. You know, to establish paternity - and cross reference with police files, ad dto the national DNA database in the USA, and use to convict the guy in court when the girl claims she was raped when her husband finds out "his" kid is not really his. That would be the next logical step in this wonderful piece of legislation

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It is a hateful misandrist law associated with VAWA. It is as nasty as it is complex, so I suggest you visit:

Lotsd of background info, and some good summaries.

It was my initiation/wake-up call in terms of MRA.

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I guess guys will have to move overseas and perhaps even wait to become citizens, to marry foreign brides. Of course they won't be able to maintain their U.S. jobs, unless they can telecommute from an awful long distance.

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I cant believe that shit!

I hadnt heard of this until now, and it reminds me of the attacks on asian women by western women. It is very clear these bitches want to hog tie us into either marrying them or not at all. They must hate us soooo much, it must be awful being a western female, full of hate and loathing. I will never again hold sympathy for another western female as long as I live.

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