Wendy McElroy: Did Pedophilia Hysteria Cause Child's Death?

Article here. Excerpt:

"In the article "Day of the dad: paedophilia hysteria leaves men afraid to help," The Telegraph raises a question that applies equally to North America. Have high profile cases of pedophilia created such public hysteria that the average decent human being, especially a man, is now reluctant to approach a child in need?
Child abuse must be addressed but it is worse than folly to punish those who help children. Our society is creating Clive Peachey -- decent men who will walk away from a child in need."

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I had just parked in the parking structure of my HMO the other evening (early evening). A woman came up to my car just as I was getting out. She was crying and in a quiet voice (so quiet I couldn't make out all if her words) she asked me to help her. "No way," I said, and with a clear conscience I might add, I walked quickly away. I told her to find a security guard and ask him for help. Yes, I was very apprehensive of potential trouble this female could start, just making up any lie.

As I was halfway to the front door I saw a security guard and told him of my encounter. He headed to the parking structure and I proceeded on to take care of my business. Even then, I was concerned about telling the security guard of my encounter.

After picking up what I had come for and exiting the building, I saw the same security guard again. I asked what had happened and he said she had said she was out of gas, but now he couldn't find her and her boyfriend any longer, after he checked in with his superiors to see what could be done. Hmmm, out of gas, but disappears. I'm sure if I had been robbed and murdered, the woman could have just cried like that in front of the judge and blamed it all on her male accomplice and she'd have been off the hook.

These days I'd sooner juggle rattlesnakes than trust any woman, and if I saw a little lost kid out in the public thoroughfare, I'd get as far away from it as fast as I could.

If a woman or child is ever in trouble, they should just call their local gender feminist. Those evil monsters are responsible for the climate of suspicion and distrust that exists today between people, because of all the male demonizing, man-hating laws they've passed.

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A couple of years ago I was walking back to my car after buying a few groceries when a very young female about 14 (probably going on 41) asked me if I would give her a ride into town because she got left by some of her friends and was stranded. The ride into town was only about 3 miles and would not have been out of my way. I of course being a MRA left her "jail bait" ass in the parking lot. She could have been legit but more than likely she was running a con where she would spot a lone male in a parking lot, take his tag number and ask for a ride as a favor for a poor female in distress. If the "mark" had fallen for it and let her into his car she could shake him down for money under the threat of telling the cops she was picked up by him and molested if he didn't pay up. Of course it would be hell to prove she was a liar and if she was shown to be a liar she would more than likely not face any consequences for making a false sexual assault accusation. I have heard some of that has been going around lately especially in North Carolina!

No, I would never stop to help a female I did not know very well.

Just as doctors are now having to practice defensive medicine men should practice defensive self interests when dealing with the "fairer sex."

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If only all men began acting that way towards women for the next 40 some odd years women would start to lose the tons of negative traits they have been nurturing since well....forever.

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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A poster on the original site called Clive a coward!

Sweetheart, here is how it is in today's world:

Clive saw the kid in the middle of the street, pulled over, and shooed her off to the side then called the police. They arrived, sirens screaming, snatched up the kid and raced her to the hospital to run a rape/molestation kit. The results were not conclusive no touching occurred, so the report says they cannot rule it out.

Meanwhile they question him repeatedly on sexual matters then finally arrest him.


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This is the quote from the responder to McElroy, mentioned in the comment below:
"Sometimes you've got to do the right thing no matter what the cost. This man was a coward, no law or regulation can excuse that fact"

It is more cowardly to be an idealist than to realize the complexity of an issue. Thus the responder is the coward, not Peachey.

Here's my outlook on the issue, too bad if anyone doesn't like it:

With me it is not even a question of "should I help a child who is in the street crying?" or is in some kind of danger. With me it will always be that the answer to that is _automatically_ "NO". The only question that arises then, is how to avoid being blamed later for the child's situation myself, such as any injury which may have occurred. I have done "mental practice" regarding this issue and I believe I am now finely tuned for the correct response in most situations. For example, if I am walking down the sidewalk and see a kid laying on the ground crying, with a broken leg, I will immediately cross the street to go around him, and purposely not look at him, so that later I can say I didn't see him; if someone asks me if I heard him crying, I would say, "so what? I heard a child crying..I thought it was coming from inside a house." Also I would have to make sure not to cross the street too fast, because if someone was watching me, they might think I was running from the kid after causing the incident, or that I was purposely trying to avoid him.

Sorry guys, but I used to work for the government, and government workers learn to go to extreme lengths to cover their asses, since in that environment when something goes wrong, the first priority is to lay the blame on someone; this even takes priority over responding to the problem itself, usually even if it is an emergency. So I have learned by experience how to spot problems in advance, before the shit hits the fan, and have developed an innate ability to effectively "hide" from other people, when it comes time for the blame game. Call me paranoid if you want. It's not paranoia when they're really out to get you.


PS: the police are fucked up. Whenever someone reports a crime or some other incident, and the police have no other immediate suspect, they detain the person who reported it, and basically accuse him. Everyone knows that's true, that's why a lot of crimes don't get reported.

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...having an entire routine for avoiding She-Nazi justice! You crack me up man even though what you are saying is true.

Gentlemen be advised: BIG "SISTER" IS WATCHING YOU!

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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You can' be a good person anymore, you will pay for any act of kindness apon any child and/or female.

I still feel guilty for it, and if wre that guy, I would be devestated... but he most certainly did the right thing.

I have no doubt the person who replied saying he should have done the right thing, is obviously a women, who has no clue what its like to be a man in todays society.

Im like you gents, I dont stop to help anyone unless its a man... period. In fact, I've learned its best to simply ignore females completely when out in public. I have not had the kind of experiance you guys describe, but I have actually ignored females who were about to ask me somthing or make some sort of contact, I see them approach and I turn and walk away.

For instance the other day in the Safeway parking lot, I just hopped out of my truck and this women looked at me and started to walk towards me and speaking. I completely ignored her and walked away, she kept talking to me and asking me to "stop please". Well I didnt stop and went into the store, looking out the window I could see her approach another guy, they talked and from the way he was waving his arms and pointing, it looked like she just needed directions.

I started to feel guilty, as any normal man would, but I stuffed it down inside and kept about my business. Even if the females realize what they have done to society, I doubt they will take any responsibility for it.

So I say, to hell with them! Time they figured out to be self sufficent, they gunna need it...hahaha

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The more men turn their back on women the more women will see this is NOT a joke. Women need to take what they have been doing for years to men seriously. Men are sure taking it that way. As they should. Women need to grow the fuck up because NO MAN in this day and time with a brain will want to be involved with a spoiled entitled princess.

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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Yes, here we have another issue we can thank feminists for. Their hate-cult have completely turned men into potential everything while wommyn are totally blameless...

This is the same reason why you see less male teachers in schools.

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I don't ASK women for directions, I don't GIVE women directions. It's as simple as that. It is too risky..besides, there is another reason: haven't any of you guys ever noticed, that when some women have asked you for directions, they act like THEY are doing YOU a favor? Especially pretty women who smile real big when they approach you? Those are the ones I completely ignore..but that can be risky too, because if they get upset, who knows what they might do?

Actually I won't usually even give directions to any _guy_ that looks under about 28 years old or so, because if I did I'm sure I would look like a predator. Just think..the threatening nature of telling someone to "walk three blocks..then go left..". Horrendous! Arrest that man!! (the reason for the 28 number is because in a lot of places, that is when a store clerk _has_ to card someone for alcohol or cigarettes..if they look under 27-28. So if they could conceivably be thought of as being under 18, it might look like I am "giving directions to a minor", an offense punishable by 20 years in a state prison, I'm sure)

P.S: The police are ammoral, facist pigs. If there's one thing the hippies were right about, it is that. Oh, they have a tough job?..guess what, they _make_ it tough for themselves. They get total non-sympathy from me.

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Here's a statement concerning this entire issue, that a _complete fucking simepleton_ might make: "It's the few evil child molestors who are making all men look bad.."
Anyone who has an I.Q. so low, such as to say that, should be diagnosed with Down's Syndrome and placed in an institution for life. They need to be protected from themselves.


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..that it conveys a bad image of men. If I walked up to someone to ask for directions and he/she would turn away, I'd be rather pissed and would wonder what kind of weirdo this is.
It's different when one is asked for a ride and refuses: then, you can say the risk is simply too high and explain the problem. This is making a point and educating somebody about the issue. Just walking away isn't.

Personally, I'll just help anyone who asks (except for Punks asking for 50 cents). This is Old Europe, after all, common sense and interpersonal dealings haven't been pushed aside by a crazy judical system yet :).
Today I directed some portuguese truck driver to his destination within my city. Didn't even speak English. And his "map" was some printout that didn't show the destination at all, only the surroundings of the end of the highway within the city. Funny how some people work..

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..because of giving someone directions.
Can you provide case examples?

I do think that men should understand they need to be as afraid of that one insane woman that will try to put them into jail as women always were of the typical predatory male. But I think this fear often gets exaggerated. Hence it is my opinion that giving directions is low risk, just like I used to tell that fellow female student that she shouldn't be afraid to come to my place just because she has to use 30m of a path with a hedge next to the subway.

A bit of mistrust is healthy, but I think if you always shy away from people for whatever reason, that reason is mostly you and not what you think to be the main cause.

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"This is Old Europe, after all, common sense and interpersonal dealings haven't been pushed aside by a crazy judical system yet "

That's two thirds of the issue right there..you are in Europe, whereas we are in the U.S. It is true that even here, that each situation has to be dealt with individually..some people have better ability to "size up" a situation, or more confidence in their ability to do so.

Has anyone ever "gotten in trouble" for asking directions? It partly depends on what you mean by trouble. A few months ago, I was in the parking lot of a gas station in a mid-size town in the Southwest. I approached what appeared to be a lone female, and merely inquired of her if I was near a certain freeway. She assumed a distressed look, then shook her head and walked away. I thought oh well, another dunce who doesn't know where things are one-half mile from where they live (that's about how far away the freeway turned out to be). Unfortunately I then chanced to look over my shoulder and saw her approaching her significant other, and he saw she was in distress and asked her "what did I say to her?" She mumbled something, then the guy comes up to me and asked me what the heck I wanted. So I said to the moron, "is such-and-such freeway close to here?". That seemed to remove some of his aggression, and he merely answered that he did not know either (in other words he was also a dunce..they appeared to be locals to me, as they were buying groceries).

Anyhow, I'm not going to wait around to be the first one, who reads in the paper that someone asked directions of a woman, resulting in a fistfight and subsequent arrest. If the atmosphere of paranoia that feminists and the media have created, did not exist, then there's probably a pretty good chance that she would have answered my question directly and her husband wouldn't have been so suspicious.

Just like someone said, it's defensive medicine. I saw another post on here recently, about some guy who was arrested for telling two women that they were beautiful and should be models. Let me ask you this: one week prior to that happening, mightn't you have said "I never heard of someone getting in trouble for telling a woman she's beautiful"?
I'm not going to wait around for precedents to be established. And that's the name o' that tune :)

P.S: in looking this over, I realize that I contradicted what I said earlier, that I "never ask women for directions"..but this one final incident has now instilled that attitude within me, to be sure!

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That's a good post axolotl. I have also noticed that women seem to cop an attitude when you ask them something, even when they themselves don't know the answer.

I'm sure its a part of the "receive attention, don't give any" game they love to play.


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In honor of this auspicious/suspicious date...

I was reading all the fine gentlemen's posts, and it got me to wondering why our free and liberated society has accepted the lies of MISANDRY with so little difficulty?

How is it that feminism has come to rule in our schools, courts, churches, media, homes?

What is it about contemporary America that good people can be so fascinated with the latest electronic gadget or media distraction (i.e. i-phone, X-box, Windows Vista... Paris Hilton, 24, Pirates of the Caribbean... etc.) --- you can tell I gave up tee-vee five years ago ...

and yet, as a people who once declared themselves independent and liberated citizens, we now find it dreadfully inconvenient to face the hard questions about where America is headed?

In my more cynical moments (usually, 99% of the 24 x 7 interval), I resort to excuses.

Like thinking that Americans are working so hard to achieve their Dreams....

that they are easily distracted from political, ideological, and consumerist reality-conspiracies.

(Sorry, appreciate your argument ... gotta go to Wal-Mart just now!)

But in the 1% clarity that's left over, I realize that America has always been just a dream.

Increasingly, it seems America will be dimly recalled as a momentary historical fictional place, where things might just have worked out..... if only ....


Does anyone hereabouts know where the Friday the 13th superstition started?

Was the Declaration of Independence signed on a 13th Friday, by any chance?

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Does anyone hereabouts know where the Friday the 13th superstition started?

Was the Declaration of Independence signed on a 13th Friday, by any chance?

The Declaration of Independence was initially adopted on 4th of July 1776, a Thursday during that year. Only John Hancock, President of the Congress and Charles Thompson its Secretary signed the initial document the original which has not survived. There is no evidence that any signed the final engrossed version on the 13th of July. The final engrossed version was signed by most of the delegates on August 2.

cite source:

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I know the story, it was on a Friday, the 13th of some month, when the Nights Templar were virtually eradicated by the Vatican. Give me a few to find you a good link.

I guess wikipedia will do (as it offers competing theories as well): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friday_the_13th

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