Both kinds of sexism bad for workplace

Essay here. Excerpt:

"Here's the reality: I was the token male hired in a department of 13 women. These women resented my recognition from managers and practiced reverse sexism in the process. When I attended department meetings, I was ignored, as my perspective differed from the group-think status quo. I was hired only because of a mandate from human resource management to hire a male."

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As Jim Morrison said, "Isn't it amazing?"

Women demand equality for decades, then when they get that and more, they turn out to be possibly even more discriminatory than their male predecessors? The philosopy or psychology behind this, is not just of trivial is crucial in understanding the entire issue, because it points to the reality that women are not fighting for true equality, they just want _their_ piece of the pie. And an ever-increasing one at that.

The issue is not equality, it is power. At this point, the two words are interchangeable.


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What women wanted was absolute power and now they have that. It will be up to men to topple the female totalitarian government.

*Site and Blog:

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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