Kammer's "Good Will Toward Men" Returns to Print

Jack Kammer let me know that his book Good Will Toward Men is going to be available again. It was originally published in 1994 but has been out of print for several years. As Mr. Kammer describes, "It's a collection of interviews with women who love, appreciate and understand men -- and who are happy and eager to defend men against the ill-feeling and ridicule that is so strong in America these days." You can buy Good Will Toward Men as either a printed paperback or as a PDF download.

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Hopefully more people will read it this time. Is it listed on Amazon? How will the general public know about it?

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The state of men in this country will not change until men are strong enough to turn a cold cheek to women and tell them to fuck off.

When men convince women that men don't want to nor do they have to put up with female vanity and entitlements that is when women will breakdown and change. Men will have to leave women in droves, ignore them, fight them in court, call the police on them when they compliment men or touch men, etc. When men do all of these things women will realize to what extent THEY have taken things and they will start to wonder why the hell NO MAN wants them.

That is the ONLY time they will look at the woman in the mirror as the source of all of their problems.

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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All I've read is the the intro and the first chapter, and I can already tell Kammer is my kind of guy. He extends a lot of the things I myself had already been thinking, mainly looking at things from a "masculinist" point of view..and without being "against" women in general.

I call on all you guys (including Roy and Mr. Reality!) to please at least read the introduction(it is short). Maybe it will give you even a slight bit of optimism or at least a little bit of relief. The download from lulu is only about $3 and is available immediately upon payment. Can't get much more grass roots than that.


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