Anti-Male Gadget attached to toilet seats in Germany

The female activists are at it again--with their war on men--and this time they have even invaded public bathrooms. That's right PUBLIC bathrooms for MEN are being haunted by a new device known as Spuk which says in a rather rude voice(once the toilet seat is lifted) "Hey, stand-peeing is not allowed here and will be punished with fines, so if you don’t want any trouble, you’d best sit down" or "Excuse me, but there’s a penalty for peeing while standing in this house,” it warns culprits. “You’d better not risk any problems and sit down!”

If the customer is adamant about retaining his right to use the bathroom the way men usually do he gets this(in a female flight attendants voice): "We welcome you aboard Never Come Back Airlines,” the voice says. “We’d like to ask our male passengers in particular to sit down, buckle up and refrain from smoking.”

The small gadget is made to look like a ghost. You can read more on Spuk (and see the actual gadget which fits under the toilet seat lid) here.

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Not only will I not sit, I might choose to urinate all over the bathroom if I see fit.


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If other men want to sit when using the toilet to cater to women's asinine and picky demands, that's them. I don't live with a woman; I live by myself--and by choice, might I add--so I don't have to worry about conforming to such dim-witted standards. I stand when urinating and will stand always. If women do not like that ... tough! They'll just have to get over it. The world isn't going to fall apart because men stand when urinating. I have plenty of friends over at my house and we have fun without the worries of psychotic female dictatorship. Some of the guys I hang with are married and tell me that I was wise not to marry or go into a relationship and encourage the rest of us in the group to stay single. The others who are single--we have to hang out 24-7 almost like brothers and try to stay away from the female madness by keeping ourselves busy and entertained with surfing, skateboarding, catching movies, trying get into making movies--and we're going to college and doing quite well.

Guys, try living alone. It can be rewarding to have your own personal space without having to worry about others telling you how to keep you home, who you can have over and how long they can stay, when you have to be home, etc. If you're the type who needs company, roommate with another guy. This way if such a move should come to the U.S., you won't have to worry about women getting upset and kicking you to the curb like the Swedish women are doing Swedish men for refusing to comform to their madness. Those of you guys living with women should consider having an extra bathroom built so that you can create men and women's bathrooms. If you have two bathrooms in your home already, assign one to each gender. You and your sons can clean the bathroom designated for you, and your wife and daughters can clean their bathroom.

With public restrooms, just because urinals are being removed, doesn't mean you have to sit. You can still stand when urinating--just urinate over the seat. If drips of urine get on the seat--oh well! This is what becomes of women's stupidity.

As for standing up to urinate being a male triumphing in his masculinity--absolute nonsense! That's the furtherest thing from a man's mind when he uses the toilet. What's wrong with the women in Sweden?! I think most of them are afflicted with a genetic neurological disease that is passed on from mother to daughter and causes chronic brain deterioration resulting in severe psychological disorders serving as detriment to their sanity and reasoning. I suspect these rapid feminists have a latent jealousy of us because all we have to do to urinate is unzip and go, while they have to go through blood, sweat and tears to do likewise. Pathetic losers feminists are.

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I also immediately thought of, one or two, methods of protest.

Honestly, I think in any public establishment I would just quickly kick the shit out of all the little misandrist banshees and be done with it. After they replace them once or twice, its over.

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There is absolutely NO talking in the bathroom! ;-)

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It was on the news last year, probably the manufacturer itself is behind the hype.
Anyway; first, I've never seen one of these idiotic things. Second, they're certainly not to be found in public restrooms, but are meant as gadgets for ones home.
I do know some people who demand of visitors that they sit down, but they do it with polite signs. And they know why:

One must have never left the US not to know about the reason for this whole discussion: we still have many so-called Flachspüler ("flat flushers") here. The bowl has a kind of pedestal inside where everything falls onto and is washed away later by the water into the pipe. It's rooted in Imperial times and was originally meant to support taking of stool samples (!).
Anyway, the bowl is so flat in this part that it's really close to impossible with them to take a pee and not spray urine all over the surrounding meter. I've read travel blogs of Americans who were baffled by this.

The proper way of dealing with the problem is of course to replace it with a Tiefspüler ("deep flusher").

Personally, I'm still using my Flachspüler standing, but you do need to clean all the time then.

Fun fact btw: the most unhygenic thing about toilets is the aerosol collecting inside the toilet between uses. It gets spread all over the surrounding 2m upon opening the lid. Sitting down, standing, lying.. doesn't matter at all for this effect.

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Honestly, I think in any public establishment I would just quickly kick the shit out of all the little misandrist banshees and be done with it. After they replace them once or twice, its over.

Not a bad idea. People wreck bathrooms all the time anyway. The funny thing is all the women I know say the women's bathroom is ridiculously dirty with tampons and such strewn everywhere. I can't bring myself to believe that suddenly the women's bathrooms in Germany are spic and span clean.

Women I know say the girls' bathroom could make you want to throw-up. Maybe I should expand my business and make Spuk's for women.


Isn't that Vulgar language? I do recall you crying over the very language you are now using.

Never seen one.

And because you make the claim on the internetthat you have never seen one this means there is none(even when numerous articles, people--and even YOU--verify their existence)? Seems like typical FEMlogic, especially when you have a history of making excuses for moronic female behavior. Nothing new really...stupid women always sit around making excuses for other stupid women.

Nearly every observation you have brought up is based on your word not empirical facts. We are supposed to believe that it is NECESSARY to shame men in PUBLIC BATHROOMS because men are making "so much more of a mess than women whom are perfect."

Again, the women I know say women make more of a mess with tampons, periods and such. My mate said feces was all over the toilet along with blood. What kind of "shaming gadget" should be made for that problem?

Going on the woman-based accusation that men are so very horrible that is.

Either way, I'll be ignoring your "making excuses for women's nonsense" style postings from now on. They aren't worth the time. It looks like you always jump-in to deflect the blame away from women with some moronic statement. Not only are you a hypocrite you NEVER fail to make a pseudo-intellectual comment that not so effectively lays the blame on males as opposed to the females whom are guilty.

*Site and Blog:

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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Thanks N.J. - Very interesting info on the "flat flushers." That is helpful to know.

What's interesting to me about this is the tone of the device seems to mimic a controlling woman. Don't they know that this is the least likely way to encourage a man to do something? Seems like more a "power and control" issue for those who created the device. Funny how the fems rail about power and control in men and their behavior betrays their projection.

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Micturate on the accursed device until it gives up the ghost! This is hypocrisy: the women who would inflict this torture upon innocents wouldn’t stand to be told how to conduct themselves in the bathroom.

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...may be a fairytale. Women would not stand for this they would whine and cry about it until the maker of the product was sued, shutdown and ostracized; even if he did not offend them. Yet women demand that women retain the right to dictate to men in such cases. Women will sit and make hundreds of excuses as to why men should be shamed in the bathroom but when men speak out against female entitlement THEY(i.e. Men) get labelled as "being bitter", "vulgar", "evil", etc.

This is why the gender war will NEVER end. It will only get worse as it has been getting. Women are too self-abosrbed to see someone else's strife other than other women, manginas, and the children they use in their war against men. NOONE else gets any equality, rights, or sympathy. In a book I read awhile ago the author said that is the part of the female brain that does not work; putting herself in the other gender's shoes.

The vanity of woman will never allow this gender war to end, and men are too pussy-whipped to attack the source of all of this bullshit; female narcississm and chivalry. Prepare for a long--possibly pointless--fight gentlemen!

*Site and Blog:

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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This is one of those stupid Western Onion gag articles....right?

We are not amused.

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and then stomp it until it can't "speak"

oregon dad

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Perhaps a hormone/blood detecting device in the toilet could play a condescending "Please don't discard your used tampons on the floor" message.

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I don't know why you *always* need to be aggressive, insulting and troll-like in everything you say, but then again I don't need to understand everything.

1. I never "cried" about vulgar language, I called it ineffective in most cases. Try to _read_ what I write, damn it.

2. I fucking live here and as a matter of fact, these gadgets simply aren't widely in use as of now. Maybe some idiots bought them for their home but they're not to be found in public restrooms, period. They are aimed at the home market, the article doesn't even talk about public restrooms. You simply made this up.

You're seriously confused anyway with all your agitated yadda yadda... gonna get you a heart attack some day, man.

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Please remain on topic from now on or refrain from posting. This is a good thread and I don't want the whiners to derail it with their crying or the typical "making excuses for women" rhetoric.

Thank you to those that are intelligient enough to get it and conduct themselves accordingly and "kiss my ass" to those who don't.

About the gadgets: I hear they have the "spuks" in Canada too, which does not come as a surprise to me since Canada is dominated by feminism just like the U.S.

*Site and Blog:

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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That way they can clean up the piss and the gadgets. If they still work after being inundated with piss the women will have to wipe them clean and replace them which means cleaning the pissy floor, the pee-laden spuk, and the pissy toilet seat(because when I take a trip to any of the countries that have these on the seat I am going to make SURE I miss. Heh.).

Make sure you drink plenty of water if you visit these places.

*Site and Blog:

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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I haven't even heard of these until this article, let alone seen one.
When/if I see one I'll let you know, though.

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...OTHER THAN on numerous articles and having seen one on the news. Then again I have not seen pygmies either personally or Transylvania. Yet they sometimes get coverage just like these things did. Wonder why that is? *shrugs*

I don't think they have even made it to America yet, the article said as much; hopefully they never will. We have enough misandry here to deal with.

*Site and Blog:

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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n.j., I don't mean to pick an argument with you, so please do not get offended. But you stated in your post that these toilet seats are aimed at the home market and that the article doesn't even talk about public restrooms. While you are correct about this, there are some drastic changes being made in some public restrooms in reference to men's bathroom habits. This excerpt from the article in debate reads this ...

"...Already, a feminist group at Stockholm University is campaigning to scrap the urinals on the grounds that their construction - allowing male-only use is intrinsically sexist. According to Yola, they are encountering none of the laddish opposition they would meet here. At least one Swedish primary school has already ditched the wall-fixed porcelain to acculturate young male Swedes to the new order. Others are expected to follow."

If I'm not mistaken, I recall some time ago reading a web article that stated that boys were being forced to sit when using a coed restroom at school because of sanitary reasons. I can't really say whether this device will be used in public restrooms or not -- as you correctly stated, the article does not mention this -- but as crazy as feminists are these days, I certainly wouldn't doubt it. And if they're making boys sit when urinating in some schools (I think this is correct) who knows what other public restrooms will demand men to use irrational "female-friendly" lavatory procedures.

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Remember kids, it's sexist only if it's male-only! Female-only trains, beaches, hotel floors are NOT sexist becuase it is NOT male-only. It's simply allowing women to get away from all that sexism everywhere. Let's take everything male-only and make it co-ed. When women get sick of seeing the other sex around, they can have their female-only stuff once more (and refuse to give up the co-ed hypocrasy).

It's to the point that everytime I hear a woman or honorary woman say something is sexist I roll my eyes and wonder what they could have done to help humanity with all that free time and brainpower wasted.

PS. Captcha, I DID type the correct image verification code.

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it's about a "feminist group at a Stockholm university". Need I say more? Crazy people.

Much of Scandinavia is so freshwater, if some primary school at the end of the world ditches the urinals, I'm not alarmed nor surprised and I'm sure even the Swedish will find it pretty strange.
Many pockets of Europe have their peculiarities so don't overvalue this. In general, the urinal is going to stay for sure.
There are much more worrying things going on, like the attempt to import US-style DV laws. And this really does happen throughout Europe, not only in some Swedish settlement in the woods.

Nonetheless, it's disconcerting that already children at primary schools are bothered with this. But it might actually have a positive effect - many conservative people are children of 68s parents who grew up in "revolutionary communes. Because they spotted the nature of the indoctrination already at an early age. These boys might ask themselves later why people were being so silly, and this is all we need.

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First off, I don't understand the point of getting rid of urinals because they're "sexist". If they are only in the men's washroom, what the hell's the problem? Personally, I hate urinals. I'm more of a stall guy, but at the same time I think it's ridiculous to get rid of them because only men can use them. That's anatomy. Get over it!

Second, this "spuk" device is also retarded. If a man wants to pee standing up, that's no one's business but his own. If I ever encounter one of these, I'll still pee standing up, but with the seat down. I'll also be sure to make a huge mess, and possibly leave a message on the stall door "Spuk made me do it".

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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