Nifong Resigns and sheds Tears

Story here. Excerpt:

"Facing the loss of his law license, a tearful Mike Nifong said Friday he will resign as district attorney, more than a year after he obtained rape indictments against three Duke University lacrosse players who were later declared innocent by state prosecutors."

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Now how about an indictment against him followed by a conviction and incarceration.

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The legal community doesn't go after their own with anywhere near the vigor that they attack the general public with when they are accused. His resignation will likely be accepted and no one in the legal community will push the matter any further.

He deserves prison for what the harm he has caused the three accused, the whole community he "served" and the credibility of the whole justice system (and the justice system doesn't have much credibility left to lose).

People in positions of great power over the general public should have to pay the price of greater accountability for their actions then the general public.

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It matters little in the final analysis what happens to that Nifong rat. What will matter is what the state of North Carolina will do (if anything!) to make sure nothing like this happens again. The state could pass legislation making false accusations of rape a crime with equivalent punishment to a rape. Now that would be justice. Also, remember the only reason these 3 male victims of a false rape accusation are free today is that they had adequate financial support to protect them from the femicrazed state justice system. If they had been less wealthy they would have probably plea bargained at the advice of their court appointed attorneys and done some jail time for a crime they never committed. Happens every goddamned day here in America especially in cases that involve sex!

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"People in positions of great power over the general public should have to pay the price of greater accountability for their actions then the general public."

... that Bush, Rummy, and Cheney should be prosecuted in the World Court as war criminals, yes?

Just taking your principled argument in its logical direction....

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As wrong as Mr. Nifong was, we still seem to ignore who the main villain is. The woman who made the charge still gets away scot-free. Has she been charged with filing a false report to police, perjury or obstruction of justice?

Whenever a woman who lies against a man like this gets away with it unpunished, it's only an incentive for other women to continue do the same.

Mr. Nifong surely isn't guiltless in this, but the worse offender is the "accuser," whoever she is.

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"Nifong made “multiple, egregious mistakes” as he pursued the charges, but not intentionally, his attorney said in closing statements.

“It didn’t click,” Witt said as he tried to explain one of his client’s errors. “His mind is just his mind. That’s the way it works. It just didn’t click.”


Is Nifong pleading an insanity defense to keep from losing his legal license to practice?

That would be the ultimate victory – a clinically insane lawyer allowed to practice law. Imagine that!

Read the full monty at ---

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The websphere reports that Mike Nifong will lose his license to practice law, as the result of his ethical violations.

Note that he's still maintaining that "something" happened to the stripper ---

"... even though Nifong had apologized to the players and volunteered to give up his law license, he remains unable to agree that no lacrosse player committed a crime."

See --

No doubt Nifong will now get a book contract and a TV movie deal, and several millions for being a notorious misandrist parasite.

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Mr. Nifong surely isn't guiltless in this, but the worse offender is the "accuser," whoever she is.

The criminal you are referring to in this sad saga is CRYSTAL GAIL MANGUM.

see link:

This maggot needs to be on a national sexual predator listing as a rapist.

But until that great day happens this is the best that can be done.


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I just read that Nifong has been thrown under the bus. Make no mistake that this was done for the sake of justice, but rather that he has shed the light of day on the system of pimps and whores that the court system has become.

While having the resources to pay off a whore enables a positive outcome, it's not the only way. YET!

The plea bargain is their most effective and ineffective weapon. If you believe that the best you can do is accept a plea bargain, then it is a most effective weapon. If you believe that you can make a stand against your accusers, then it's a useless tool.

If the accused in this case had insisted on their right to a speedy trial, do you think that the prosecution would have been able to put a case together. If given a change to face their accuser, do you believe that her testimony could not be shredded. The only reason this case reached the point that it did was that the defense whores were maximizing their profits.

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Nifong was the first obvious target, but I sincerely hope the next is the school and the half-wit teachers that fell all over themselves to jump to conclusions and attack their own students when this first came out.

I hope the civil suits cost Duke TENS of millions... and while it's very unlikely, I hope those teachers who were stupid enough to sign names to their depravity get booted out on their collective arses.

Dave K
A Radical Moderate

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The intellectually dishonest Duke 88 have been eerily silent on the latest developments, which may culminate in civil judgments against Nifong.

Though I have to say that hiring strippers ought to be as expensive as it is stupid. No sympathy from me on that account. Caveat emptor.

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Knife-thong should have recused himself on the first day, other wise he was already headed for big-time trouble.

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