Working Fathers Caught in a Trap

Article here. Excerpt:

"Fathers say they want to spend more time with their kids, but are stuck working. Day-to-day demands -- and middle managers -- trump much ballyhooed work/life policies and paternity leaves, experts say."
However, the majority of working dads (59 percent) would not take paternity leave if it were offered, according to the latest Workplace Insights survey by Adecco USA.

Reasons cited included fear it would harm their careers (31 percent); being too busy at work to be away for an extended period of time (28 percent); and being depended on too much by co-workers and clients (28 percent).

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"Reasons cited included fear it would harm their careers (31 percent); being too busy at work to be away for an extended period of time (28 percent); and being depended on too much by co-workers and clients (28 percent)."

Reason #1 suggests that men are ambitious, but they may have a poor understanding of what is important in life; or - that they have acquired a wife, kids, and a mortage.

Reason # 2 suggests that men are egotistical, are complusively in fact addictively "busy," and would rather be at work than be at home with wife cupcake and her spawn.

Reason # 3 suggests men want to believe they are indispensable, and are in total denial about their declining market value. Or, that there are no competent females who could step in and do their jobs if they chose to take paternity leave. Or, that those females would steal their jobs in a heartbeat. Or?

Note that all three reasons are likely alibis for not wanting to spend time at home with the loving wife and perfect kids.

And please do not even contemplate the warped values behind these alibis, or the sorry state of domestic and economic life that makes all three demented rationales very reasonable survival strategies for working men today.

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Men just need to do what women have learned to do. Take off the time with no regrets. If it hurts your career, the company you worked for, or the people you work with, just cry that you're entitled to your job back whenever you want it with no reprocussions.

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...that we are not "bad like the women who have messed up this country" we are constantly getting the short end of the stick.

I say men start making the same ridiculous whiny demands that women have been making for over 40 years in the name of "equality." Isn't that the trick word these female losers keep using as a license to steal?

Shit. If it is good for the goose it is good for the gander.


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