Woman sentenced to 4 months for filing false rape report

Article here. Excerpt:

"Amy Jones, 21, falsely claimed to police that her stepfather Rod Swainson had been abusing her since she was 12.

After she gave a lengthy statement to detectives, Mr Swainson was arrested and charged with rape.
Jones, of Bury, was sentenced to four months in prison after admitting perverting the course of justice."

Notice even in the headline they try to start making excuses, as if being 'lovesick' or a lesbian somehow explains why you tried to ruin an innocent person's life.

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Has a man convicted of any degree of rape been sentenced to just four months?

A false accusation of rape is rape and the false accuser is a rapist and should serve the same amount of time as any other rapist.

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"Has a man convicted of any degree of rape [with a previous CRIMINAL RECORD no less] been sentenced to just four months?" - emphasis mine

Just adding that in because it would certainly without any doubt whatsoever be added in if it was a man being sentenced.

Otherwise I agree completely. Thousands of men have tried the excuse "but I was in love" or "I didn't mean to hurt anyone" and it's never worked. So absolutely, sentence her like a man found guilty of rape. At least that would be equal treatment in the courts.

On the plus side, the comments section on the original story page are 100% unanimous that she was let off far to easy for such a tremendously damaging crime. So, people in The UK anyway are starting to clue in to the issues here and are tired of seeing women walk free for crimes that are fucking worse then rape in many ways because they don't victimize just the target, they destroy the entire family of the targeted victim both emotionally and financially.

That little dyke should count her lucky stars because she got let off extremely easily. Plus, since she's a dyke so she'll have no trouble at all finding new women to fuck in prison.

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Where does it say anything about anybody having a criminal record?

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From about two thirds of the way through the story:

"The court heard she had two previous convictions for shoplifting and been sentenced to community orders."

It does not say whether both convictions arose from a single event but I somehow doubt it. So, she's probably a compulsive thief as well as life destroying, man raping (through false accusations) liar.

The fact that she already has a criminal record, yet has escaped jail on AT LEAST (since women are routinely not charged even when caught in the act of committing a crime) two priors - which could very well be part of the reason she had no problems at all filing phony rape charges in the first place - makes the mere 4 month sentence an even more disgusting joke.

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