Disparities in Workday Dress Standards for the Sexes
Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2006-08-10 02:49
This in the NYTimes does a good job of pointing up how men and women are held to substantially different standards of "business attire" and speculates on why that may be. Indeed, heaven help the man who dares wear anything not within very prescribed limits to the office!
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nothing new
my brother holds a position with a major pharmaceutical company. during the most recent heat wave in nyc, he commented on a womans freedom to "beat the heat". my brother has a rigid dress code, suit, tie, and jacket..(even if its 95 degrees)
the irony: he visited a high perscribing physician who is considered an important client within the entire nyc teritory. this man told my brother, "if i dont see in shorts tommorow, i will stop perscribing the meds you promote"
sure enough, the next day my brother came to work as if he was heading to the beach. did his employer complain, i doubt it. the doctor was so impressed with my brothers courage (yes courage) he guaranteed increasing his perscription volume. not bad, condsidering my brother will probably get an extra $1000 in commission next month.
my point, nothing really. but their are professional men who think "oppressive male dress codes" are absurd when the tempature exceeds 90 degrees.
p.s. the irony?...im a poverty stricken college student and my brother owes me 50 bucks!!! if he doesn't pay me back, im posting his number on this site and i'll let you guys harass the hell out of him. lol
Just wear women's clothes
I might of said this already here but: If women are so culturally opressed, tell me what a cross-dressing woman is wearing?
Several years ago while I was working in the computer industry, extremely hot weather hit during a "cleanup" project where my team was moving large ammounts of depriciated equipment into a dumpster. This was only to last a few more days, but the hot weather was to last for those few days. I think the conversation went like this:
Me to boss: "Just so you know, I'm wearing some shorts tomorrow."
Boss: "That's against the dress code. Do that and I'll send you home."
Me: "Ok, then I'll wear a skirt tomorrow. That's allowed by the dress code."
Boss: "um, you're a guy, yaknow?"
Me: "Try me."
Boss: "Shorts it is then."
I would of done it too ;)
I see it too
My company has a dress code that is infrequently followed by some of our female employees, most notably the 18-25 year old hourlies. The code states, no shorts or short skirts, haulter tops, or flip flops, among other things, but it is nothing new to see somebody walk in wearing the same kind of clothes you'd see in a bar somewhere.
My male co-worker began posting copies of the dress code in prominent areas and also went to the VP in our office. It was all going back to the managers not enforcing the dress code. His whole stance was "If I came to work wearing provocative clothing, I'd get sent home!" I knew he was right, sad but true. His efforts seem to have paid off, as there have been noticeable strides made by people to follow the rules as of late. We even saw one young woman head out the door...and about an hour later showed back up wearing more professional attire.