Justice Ginsburg's feminist background evident at Court

Speaking for the three other dissenting justices, Ginsburg's voice was as precise and emotionless as if she were reading a banking decision, but the words were stinging. "In our view, the court does not comprehend, or is indifferent to, the insidious way in which women can be victims of pay discrimination," she said.

Poor Ginsburg -- read as she laments being a lonely and frustrated woman on a Supreme Court filled with men. Ugh, give me a break.

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Damn, another feminist woman judge acting like a spoiled child.

The ruling was right. Like they said, the law clearly says that complaints need to be filed within 180 days. Not really sure why this got as far as Supreme Court, except maybe because it was a woman complaining of being treated unfairly...

Judges are supposed to make rulings based on the laws that are on the books.

If Ginsberg wants to do otherwise, then she's got the wrong job...

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Poor Ginsburg -- read as she laments being a lonely and frustrated woman on a Supreme Court filled with men. Ugh, give me a break."

If the old misandric skank doesn't like her job then she should quit and do something else.

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There are easier ways for even an average lawyer to net $180K. In her case, she just has to get on a law firm's payroll.

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Ledbetter, like Ginsburg a woman in her 70s, said she was "disappointed, very, very disappointed" with the decision. "I worked a lot of years doing the hard work and not to get paid as much as the men will affect me every day in the future" in the form of lower retirement benefits, she said.

I wonder if she excersized her gender privillage of retiring 5 years earlier then her male counterparts with full benefits. This would surely offset the slightly reduced amount.

Plus, how hte hell does she know there was gender discrimination there at all when she was the only female. It could very easily been her WORK that was lacking, or her attitude towards her fellow workers or those under her that was lacking. It likely had nothing to do with her genitals.

Just because her employer did not feel she (as one individual) was not as compotent as her co-workers does not mean they would feel the same way about every woman they took on the pay roll.

I really believe that in order to prove pay discrimination based on gender the person bringing the claim should be able to prove either

a) That her employer told her specifically that the reason her pay was less was because she has a vagina and not a penis.

b) the person brining the claim can site multiple examples throughout the company at various levels power that females are being paid less.

One persons cry means very little because you simply cannot discount other factors like: did she work fewer hours? Did she take extended leave - perhaps to raise children? Did she not fulfill all her duties to same degree as her co-workers? Did she take more personal/sick days? Did she miss more deadlines? Did she take on fewer assignments?

When it's one person and only one person complaining, you have to wonder if the source of the complaint is not merely that she regrets her own personal choices about her career path and is blaming the company to alliviate her feelings.

Plus, you ALWAYS have to look at historical claims witha skeptics eye because there is always reason to doubt when a claim is not brought forth until long after the fact.

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That's just not allowed. Requiring a woman to meet a 180 day deadline is oppression! Women are to be treated as equals, but they can't be expected to behave that way! That's oppression! You can't tell women how to behave! That's oppression!


Does this kind of doublethink make anyone else throw up in their mouth a little bit?

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