Another Woman Murders Her Kids

Story here.

The headline itself hides the fact that this woman obviously is responsible for the crime.

I particularly get a kick out of the closing lines:

"Andrea Yates drowned her five children in the family's Houston bathtub in 2001. In 2003, Deanna Laney beat her two young sons to death with stones in East Texas , and Lisa Ann Diaz drowned her daughters in a Plano bathtub. Dena Schlosser fatally severed her 10-month-old daughter's arms with a kitchen knife in 2004.

All four of those women were found innocent by reason of insanity. Yates initially was convicted of capital murder, but it was overturned on appeal."

Show me a man who can get away with killing his children by reason of "insanity." Yeah, right.

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From article at:

Texas has seen a number of child killings by mothers in recent years.
Less than five years earlier, another Hudson Oaks family was torn apart when Dee Etta Perez, 39, shot her three children, ages 4, 9 and 10, before killing herself.

The two women whom did kill themselves had to be insane. Proof: They committed their murders in Texas. If they had not killed themselves they would have been found not guilty by reason of temporary insanity and eventually be set free with no criminal record. The child killer mentioned in the article, Lisa Diaz is now free. She was released from the state mental hospital in 2006.

An obviously mentally ill man who downloads a couple of kiddie porn pictures from the internet will be sent to prison for many years just for doing that. But women who sadistically kill children will be found not guilty by reason of insanity and be treated for their mental illness at taxpayer's expense and eventually released after they are deemed "cured". see Liza Diaz.

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Poor dear. Where was THE FATHER in all this???! HE'S RESPONSIBLE!!

'HUDSON OAKS, Texas (AP) -- A young mother who may have been depressed apparently hanged three of her small daughters and herself in a closet using pieces of clothing and sashes, authorities said Tuesday.

A fourth child, an 8-month-old daughter, was also found dangling in the closet but was rescued from the family's mobile home.

"It's horrendous. That's all I can say," Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler said.

The woman was identified as Gilberta Estrada, 25. The infant, Evelyn Frayre, was in good condition at a hospital, Fowler said.'

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...comes even before the description of the crime!

HUDSON OAKS, Texas (AP) -- A young mother who may have been depressed apparently hanged three of her small daughters and herself in a closet using pieces of clothing and sashes, authorities said Tuesday.

Look at the key words in that first sentence:





(Note the possessive meaning of the word "daughters", a word which was used deliberately instead of simply describing the victims as "children" - this serves to establish that the victims were the woman's property which reduces her culpability in the mind of the reader. Note also that the woman is described as a "young mother" rather than a "woman" for the same reasons.)

If it were a man, the first sentence would have contained:





An unrelated man and later a woman both tried to commit suicide here last year (the suicides were a few months apart) by jumping off the same bridge onto the same highway holding one of their children. The man was depicted as a monster by the media for weeks afterwards, whereas people fell all over themselves holding funerals and vigils for the poor, depressed woman.

Same crime. Same place. Same circumstances.

Remember that when adults are shown a picture of a baby crying and they're told it's a girl, they describe "her" as "sad". When they're shown the same picture and told it's a boy, they describe "him" as "angry".

Her = victim with legitimate needs

Him = selfish and angry

Same picture.

That misandric double standard is as automatic as breathing for homo sapiens.

These double standards really aren't very subtle, are they? How can they possibly escape notice when they're so blatantly obvious that a child could catch them?

I'll tell you how: sexism against men is hardwired into the human psyche, yet we as a society have pissed away almost half a century giving women even MORE advantages than they already have from birth when we should have been focusing our efforts on overcoming the innate misandry of the human race!

Feminism is what happens when the innate misandry of human beings gets itself a political lobby. Without that innate misandry, feminism would be an impossibility.

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I would just add one thing. Where you list the key words from the headline in a hypothetical gender reversal of the facts I would suspect it the headline to include the word


for the man to stir up the riotous anger in the readers to call for his hanging before they even get to the part where he hanged himself. That would be saved for the end in the case of a man as the sweet reward for the reader and would be set in a tone of "justice completed" and "what a coward"

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