Suzanne Fields: "A New Woman in Combat. Not!"

Essay here.

The following excerpt is the very definition of feminist hypocrisy:

"Feminists remain split in the debate. On one side, women argue that the female of the species is more caring than the male, and it's wrong to deliberately coarsen those who bear the children of the next generation. To make fighters of them seems unnatural and counterproductive. On the other side, women argue that the imposition of a stereotypical "gender" role is wrong and unfair. The fact that women -- on average -- are smaller and weaker than men, have less body strength and lack the aggressive killer instinct of men must go unmentioned."

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women "lack the aggressive killer instinct" man where have you been??? I now recommend to the older men I know to be carefull when getting a life insurance policy...because he may mysteriously have a heart attack soon after!!!

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Gosh, I thought that all liberated modern feminist raunch-culture females believed in the mythology of AMAZON women?

These were matriarchal warriors and conquerors, yes?

Funny no feminist anthropologists have been able to turn up even the Amazonian suburb in the ruins vastly explored and excavated.

Do you think maybe girls like make up stories?

Stories about male male oppression that advantage and privilege the "fairer sex?"

That would not be virtuous.

So, as for myself, I can't believe women would ever make up stories.


Oh, that's a simpler crime,requiring absolutely no narrative creativity.

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There's only one way to make feminists go away.

Stop caring what they think.

I realize that plenty of victim-wannabes out there and the politicians who pander to them still slurp up every drop of delusional bile the feminists can churn out, but everyone knows it's all self-serving, factually-impaired nonsense. You can't swing a dead cat in a major city without hitting something intended to "empower" women by demeaning or neglecting men, yet there are still millions of women running around thinking of themselves as victims of the big, bad man.

These women are desperately searching for an excuse, something to validate that delusion of persecution in order to justify their own failed lives. It's just so much easier to be a victim than it is to be a complete and successful person.

Women who listen to feminists and their mouthpieces in the media are just taking the path of least resistance. Rather than using their better-than-equal opportunity to compete with men and achieve equal success, women can simply opt to think of themselves as victims.

Can you say "cognitive dissonance"?

You know what this means, don't you? Subconsciously, the women who think of themselves as victims despite evidence to the contrary are actually craving both paternalism and chivalry. Why? These things provide an excuse to women for their own failures. Since paternalism somehow means that women are being "oppressed", they have an excuse for not living up to the standards achieved by men with the same opportunities. Even among women who succeed, many still think of themselves as having succeeded in spite of having been victims of male oppression. Same motivations here - an inferiority complex (or actual failures in life) which drives them to seek an excuse, a way to rationalize those real or perceived failures.

Strange that feminists never thought of that, isn't it? Now that women have better-than-equal-opportunity, the ones who don't outperform men look like complete losers.

It's so simple and obvious, I can't believe I didn't think of it years ago. Rather than accepting responsibility for their failures despite having better-than-equal opportunities to succeed, these losers prefer to think of themselves as victims. It's a cop-out, so when the MSM needs to make a few bucks, the whole "you're-not-a-loser-you're-a-victim" line is the easiest thing in the world to sell to women who don't measure up to the achievements of men despite their better-than-equal access to just about everything.

NOW I understand why so many women still suck up the "you're a victim" nonsense, and why the MSM still prints it. Isn't psychology wonderful?

Who else still listens to feminists, aside from losers looking for excuses and rationalizations? People with genuine delusions of persecution. Women's Studies programs attract such folk like a corpse attracts flies. Unfortunately, people with such delusions are insane.

So it boils down like this: the only people still listening to feminists are women making excuses for their own shortcomings (losers) and those with genuine delusions (the insane). Thankfully that latter group is very much a minority among women, but I'm simply astounded by how many totally average women are looking to use men to excuse their own failures in life. One of these days we'll figure out where this collective female inferiority complex really comes from, because it isn't men and it sure as hell isn't the media. Until then, feminists will always have an audience.

So. Given that these are the only people still listening to feminists, who gives a damn what feminists or their lackeys think about women in combat or any other damned thing? Let's summarize: they hate men. Men bad. Women good. Everything is socially constructed, except men who are inherently evil and women who are inherently good. Men should pay/slave/die so women don't have to, all so women can be more "equal". All women are victims of all men all the time, so all women should have more rights than men.

There. Now you never need to read another word written by a feminist. Think of the misery I've saved you. Leave what feminists think to the losers and nutcases who still believe them.

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I have two theories that can tell you why feminists remain split on this debate.

First theory:

During peace-time they want to be among men in the military. They want to prove to the world that they can be as "strong" as men (when pointing a gun at someone).

However, when there's a draft or guaranteed entrance into combat (like now) then the views switch. Men are the "killers" and "violent ones" so therefore send them off to die while we can play Rosie the Riveter.

Second theory:

As long as feminists stay on both sides of the fence, when the government finally makes a call one way or the other they can still bitch and moan and make money off their horrible victim hood.

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I just love that quote.

It just beautifully summarized the entire flawed and self contradictory nature of feminism.

Pretty much the exact same stances seen in nearly every issue that feminism raises.

- Women precious, shelter them.
- Women constrained, set them free.
- Never admit women's faults.

That's it in a nutshell. Feminist theory. Funny how it takes putting women into a life & death situation to show it for what it is to the world.

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"Who else still listens to feminists, aside from losers looking for excuses and rationalizations?"

Unfortunately, there at least 535 powerful losers still listening to and bowing down to feminists.

They are called the U.S. Congress, and they voted 100% to continue to fund feminist misandry via VAWA 2005 - 2010 at about a billion dollars per year.

A lot of people have stopped caring what feminists think.

Unfortunately, they are all unelected to the "democratic" body that perpetuates feminism by awarding our tax dollars to a hate movement.

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...are just like the media - they are feeding off the same "you're a victim" routine except in their case they're after votes, not ad dollars.

Politicians aren't insane and they're not losers (generally speaking they might be, but I'm talking about my own definitions as laid out above). So I guess I missed a third category: those who profit by feeding the insane and the losers what they want to hear. But like the media, I doubt very much that most politicians actually believe the feminist drivel - they just use it to scrounge up extra votes, so they're not really "listening" to it. Still, I guess they count towards the people who "listen" in one way or another.

Sorry Roy, my bad!

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