Potential US Pres'l Candidate Seeks Platform Including Joint Custody

I just learned about this fellow. Not making any judgments one way or another re political parties, it is simply very significant that someone has as a major part of his would-be platform such things as mandates for a presumption of joint custody and accountability for how C/S payments are spent. This would not have even appeared on a potential gubenatorial candidate's web site five years ago; now we see it on a possible contender for a major party nomination for president placing it on his campaign's home page. It's progress!


- introducing an EQUAL PHYSICAL CUSTODY ACT that would mandate states to enact a rebuttal presumption of joint physical custody in divorce;

- introducing the CHILD SUPPORT FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT, which would mandate child support recipients to file reports supported by documentation that child support payments were used for the child’s direct benefit.

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This guy has no chance of winning, so don't even waste your time. Look towards the the major parties and work on getting them changed.

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