YouTube clip: Black Gay Men Discuss Role of Women in their Lives
Do black men need black women? This is the title of a clip I recently viewed on YouTube.com. See the broadcast here.
The clip on YouTube is hosted by two homosexual black men. The clip surprised me as the two men did not engage in the usual male bashing and pro-feminist rhetoric that a good deal of homosexual activists usually engage in. Instead these men seemed to be pointing out that they have absolutely no need for women.
Not that I agree with their lifestyle. I just find it quite funny that women are now being slammed by the very people they use against men. For years the feminist movement has been placing the homosexual community in direct opposition to males in their petty war against men.
It is ironic that women's own weapon now seems to be turning against them.
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Some admin commentary
I vacillated on posting this one at first, mostly because I didn't see how it directly addresses MRA issues. Then I thought about it some and saw a number of issues, mostly from a sociological perspective, are addressed by the two guys in the clip even though they are not bringing them up directly. This is food for discussion here though I am sure.
Anyway, "sensitive ears" warning: These guys use language some may view as offensive or may have other judgments around. Only you can know what you think is not for hearing or otherwise. I am not going to post a transcript!
You'd Be Suprised ...
Gay men and straight men are beginning to become allies because they see that male-haters are against ALL men not just straight men. For example, a gay guy on my job told me and some other guys on my job that he hates some of the stations they have for gays because they seem to cater more to lesbian women. He said he also dislikes the fact that sciences are advancing to create ways for lesbian women to procreate without men while avoiding sciences that would enable men to procreate without women.
Thanks for posting this Matt.
Thank you for posting this news article. I think this really shows how misandric the so-called "women's liberation" movement really is. Even homosexual men are starting to turn on women. I find it quite funny and ironic. When I was forwarded the URL to this clip I myself was surprised to find out that not all homosexual males are male bashers. Honestly I see more hate coming from the lesbians(i.e. Women) than homosexual males.
Moreover, I think the men's movement is doomed to fail unless we welcome all men that are about brotherhood and against female tyranny. As long as their main focus is MEN'S RIGHTS I welcome their views. Some of the statements made by these two individuals are right on target when it comes to black women.
Most women DON'T love men
Of course they are. If there ever comes a time when men don't need women the bank would be closed(NOTE: By "the bank" I mean men's resources that women have been plundering for centuries).
Ever heard the saying: "Boys like girls. Girls like cars and money?" I know a few women that have this pasted on their YAHOO profile. It's men that truly fall in love, we are the REAL romantics.
Look at how many male slaves raid the malls for Valentine's Day buying their women blood diamonds. How many women do you see there buying their men Movado and Rolex watches? Not many. Very few women actually LOVE the men they are with which is why the relationships rarely last. My mate said something very true last night. She said "When a relationship falls apart the WOMAN is usually the one to blame although noone will admit this."
I'm gay, and my best friend (also gay) does not need a woman
My best friend, Alexander, who is also my sex buddy, is blind. His mom ran off when she found out, and his dad raised him ever since. Not seen one penny of CS and didn't need to pay Alimony, because, technically, they're still married. Didn't need the CS, though, he's rich.
Anyway--- They're the most stable family, (Alex and his dad) I've ever seen. Of course, it could be because they're both smarter than me and my dad, who was in MENSA.
Oh yeah, they're both MRAs.
That was totally irrelevant, but To be honest, most gay people I've seen are starting to understand Feminism as a hate movement/a crock, and I know a lot of Faggots, pardon my term if you're gay and don't like it.(Personally, I do.)
Indeed thanks for allowing this post through Matt...
...It is definitely food for thought.
They do touch on allot of social issues and raise some good questions.
I found it interesting when they touched on gay men and lesbian interactions and saying "they don't mix well"
I do think allot of what we hear about "gay culture" is predominantly about lesbian culture as most of it comes from the media and the media tends to skew towards a feminist perspective. Gay male culture tends to get very little attention from the mainstream media.
Plus all men of all colours and backgrounds, straight, gay, somewhere in between, whatever religious or lack of religious background, all need to be a part and have a voice within the men's movement. It's not the men's - unless you are... - movement.
Long ago on this site I posted an article by a gay black man who was becoming an MRA in which he wrote about why he prefers men not just sexually but because he finds them much less demanding and selfish. He said when he was with a woman once, she said, "It's YOUR job to make love to ME!", and he replied, "Then who will make love to me?"
I have bi/lesbian friends who for some reason can't stand gay men and they call them "f**gs" and would rather hang out with me, a straight guy, than gay men. I don't think that's right, but anyway it's interesting, and I'm told that in the LGBT community there is actually alot of animosity between men and women especially in the gay/lesbian night club scene, where they don't want each other in their own clubs. Even these guys in the video said gay men and lesbians don't mix well in the social scene.
I agree with the above posts that, apart from the political movements, we are seeing more and more gay men supporting MRAs. I have even found lesbians who do. But definitely gay men and, more than anything, bisexual men. NCFM has at least a few very active bisexual men, even a few leaders, who are strong MRAs. Considering they're only a tiny fraction of the population, I'd say they're proportionately represented among us, arguably. I hope that changes. Feminists HATE When gays confront their misandry.
I notice that some of the
I notice that some of the female posters on the website were offended. Good for them! Now they know how we men feel when such statements are made about us by them! They're just mad because they realize men can play the same malicious game they're playing.
More men--not just gay men--need to adopt the "I don't need a woman" attitude just like women have the "I don't need a man" attitude. Stop going to strip clubs, stop looking at porn, stop pursuing them, stop dating them, stop having kids with them. Leave them alone!
I agree 032105.
Women are finally getting a taste of what they have been inflicting on men for years now(and men are just being honest whereas women were being vindictive). I find it funny that men pointing out negative qualities women have are labelled "woman haters" whereas women pointing out men's positive qualities are coddled with the "not all women are like that" spiel. The facts: Men are fighting men in this war while women push buttons(like they always have).
Now of course we know "all women are not evil" just like "all men are not good." The point being made is that hundreds of men fight against other men in order to prove(more butt kissing) that women are this and that. Very few women speak out against the atrocities being committed by women, or if they do it's usually a half*** attempt at looking fair. Sad, but true. I wonder if men will ever see the light?
Deleted comment
I changed my mind and decided against posting my comment. Sorry for wasting the space!
You noticed that eh? Oh yes, the women were up in arms over men saying they don't need women. Funny, I remember black women telling that to black men for years. What goes around comes around huh?
We agree on something! Gay rights really means "lesbian rights" in feminazi land. Remember in fem-land "women good, men bad."
All of the research concerning procreation is aimed at lesbian women. I think gay men are starting to wake up and say screw these cunts.
Diversity is a good thing in our movement...
...not only because this movement needs to include ALL men, but also because it makes it far more difficult for our opponents to dismiss us. I'm sorry if that makes it sound like I'm suggesting that we should "use" homosexual MRAs to further our cause, I'm not - it's just a happy coincidence that men who don't need women are much harder to dismiss as "angry men" when they present their grievances.
BTW Daemonic, as an MRA I reject all forms of bigotry, racism and sexism. Treating homosexuals (or the transgendered) differently IS sexism, and like any other anti-male sexism, we MRAs should be fighting homophobia tooth and nail. If it's OK to hate gay men, it's OK to hate ALL men, and I'm looking for a society which thinks it's wrong to hate anyone.
I'm not against hatred, unless...
it's against a group for one dick's actions. I hate my best friend's older brother, but I don't hate all blonde haired people because of him.
What I'm saying is: Hate people, not groups.
Sorry - that wasn't clear from my comment. I should have said that I'm against hating someone for being a member of a group. If an individual is a dick, hate him/her all you want!
I just overanylize a lot of stuff
not your fault. I don't hate my 2nd closest friend cause he is a feminist--- (My two friends, an MRA and a Feminist both give me news. I then give the news to the other one. It's hillarious watching their reactions If you ever have a friend who is an obsessive/radical MRA or an obsessive/radical feminist, try it.), we're really close, though.
Gay men are still men.
I don't agree with their lifestyle, but then again I don't have to since I am not living it.
I do agree on their points concerning black women. I also realize that whether they are gay or not they are men and if they want to stand and fight misandry along with me I welcome them. I am proud of these two courageous men for saying what many gay--and straight black men--probably feel towards black women.
That doesn't make you gay--or a "woman hater"(after all those are just shaming tactics that weak men--and women--use to put men that don't want to put up with pro-fem crap on blast)--it makes you honest and sick and tired of the bullshit.