Mother Sentenced For Cutting Son's Tongue -- NO JAIL TIME!
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2006-08-02 14:51
A mother accused of cutting off part of her son's tongue with hot scissors avoided a 5-year prison sentence and was sentenced to 10 years' probation.
Davis heated a pair of scissors on a stove in August 2004 and held it to her 6-year-old son's neck before cutting off a piece of his tongue as punishment for talking back, authorities said. Her estranged husband, Toby Davis reported the injuries to police and she was arrested.
The most telling: In the meantime, Richardson said Samantha Davis was relieved by the sentence. "She was hoping for straight probation but at least it isn't the five years in prison the state wanted," he said.
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its only a tounge?
first of all: the father thought his wife shoudn't do any jail time. what the hell was he thinking??
i wonder if she'll lose custody of the boy?
can anyone visualize a mother heating a pair of sissors on the stove than subsequently cutting part of her sons tounge off? i'm so digusted when i read about female rapists and horrific forms of child abuse. this court outcome suggests to society a women's well being supercedes a childs saftey.
gentleman: im stating the obvious. what would happen to dad if he did the same thing?
this woman should spend many years in prison and lose all contact with her son. how come we know that but the judicial system is ignorant of such a crime?
i cant stop thinking about the young boys pain and horror as his own mother cut his tounge off? permanant psychological damage for the rest of his life.
i wonder if his speech will permantly be affected??
I agree with mst of what you are saying
But I also think Kyo makes a good point when he says that the father's only choice in the matter is to be supportive of his wife.
Not only for the reason of impending divorce and poverty. We all know that even if HE initiated the divorce proceedings she'd end up with the kid and the money dispite her evil child toruring ways. That's just how it is right now.
But, not only that is a concern for this poor man who must sit idley by and tell his son that "mommy still loves you" but he must be extremely carefull not to get any fingers pointed at him. If he were to be publically unsupportive of his wife, her defence attourney's would use that as evidence that it's all his fault because if he can't support her emotionally now, how could he have before this and therefore she get's the abused wife badge and the free pass that goes with it.
Don't you see that is is not just one element of our society that hates men and holds them responsable for everything? It is EVERY aspect of our society.
This poor man is in the completely unenviable position of having absolutely no choice but to be supportive of his wife or face judgemnt and persecution himself.
Heck, if he is an MRA and reads boards like this one he's already getting raked over the coals. Talk about damned if you do and damned if you don't.
I am as hopefull as anyone that one day public view and the view of the courts will change towards matters like this - but right now, as it stands - women are the most innocent of creatures on Earth in everyone (except our's of course) eyes.
And of course, because this was only her son and in the eyes of the law (please read the "Adam Walsh Act" to gain an understanding of how our courts view male children) he is as much of a woman beating rapist as any full grown man, she might just get the charges dismissed altogether for providing a public service by helping to ensure this boy never kisses a girl in his life.
Not only one thing must change to prevent things like this poor boys torture from happening. Each step in the right direction is wonderfull of course, but we need to completely change the way everyone view men and boys before justice will be served to this and the millions of other young lads like him who are raped and tortured by their moms, aunts, sisters, female cousins, girls they know ect...
We need to see men as every bit as human as we see women. Yes, men do show their emotions differently then women do (and that's a good thing) but that does not meen as societly likes to protray that men have no emotions and subsiquently feel no pain.
Stronger sentances (heck jail sentances of any sort would be a good first step) for women who rape and torture children would be a good start.
Every study that has been done (except maybe some whack job feminist study that only asked female abusers if they are abusive or not and if they gave the wrong answe - said yes I am abusive - they were instructed how to answer correctly) shows women are the leading abusers of children. This is a REAL problem that society needs to face in order to try and stop it.