A French Lesson for Hillary

From Women voters shun Segolene Royal:

'PARIS (Reuters) - Socialist Segolene Royal failed to win over a majority of women voters in France's presidential election and may have paid a price for focusing too much on her gender at the expense of promoting her policies.
The weak female support is a bitter personal blow for Royal, who had played up her feminist credentials throughout the campaign, frequently defending policies she would want "as a mother" and accusing critics of male chauvinism.
"The reason she did not have the female vote is not because there was no solidarity but because she was not up to it," said Tita Zeitoun, founder of the Action de Femme group which fights to get more women into top business positions.'

Hillary isn't up to it, either.

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The outcome of the French election should be an "eye opener" for Hillary. If a socialist cannot win an election in a Europeon country, than Hillary is doomed in our society. Of all the poltical candinates, Hillary is definately a wolf in sheeps clothing. She tries to establish herself as the moderate among democrats, yet her true values are traits of a radical liberal with dreams of a social welfare state (especially for women). Hillary has stated numerous times how much she admires European governement. Stop your admiration Hillary and learn a very sobering reality, the country will implode with you narcissistic poltical ambitions.



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...and I'll say it again. Most women simply do not support feminism. They might enjoy its unearned perks and benefits without questioning where they come from but most do not actively support it. They're too busy living, working and dying in the real world with real men, not the boogeymen of women's studies textbooks and NOW propaganda. Want to have some fun at Hillary's expense? Ask an HR manager (most are women) about the "pay gap". What you hear will make your jaw hit the floor. I know several, and every last one of them tells me that these days an average young woman can expect to earn as much as 15% more than their average male counterparts because of differences in education, opportunities, etc. and that this advantage persists to varying extents until they leave the workforce to have kids. It's right there in the textbooks HR people study.

Ideologues and socialists like Royal and Clinton are just amazingly unpopular with women who have real lives.

Take heart guys - feminism can't even win over the average woman (many of whom understand that it's bullshit at best and hate at worst), and they're the ones benefiting from some parts of it. I honestly don't think the Hildebeast is going to be a problem for those of you in America come 2008.

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concession speech.

Though I believe Obama is going to steal her nomination, and maybe offer her the V.P. slot.

Take that, old silly bitch!

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It seems almost foolish of the Democratic party to nominate her, now.

Every time someone asks me who I'm thinking of voting for, I always reply, "The one that's not Hillary."

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I wonder... I don't care if she's on the ticket as P or VP -- I won't vote for her no matter what. How many people would NOT vote democratic if Hillary is on the ticket at all?

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I don't want her anywhere near that office, at all.

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"... yet her true values..."

That is an oxymoron ... when applied to Hillary.


Every speech by Hillary is a monologue into her mirror.

"Who is the fairest of them all all?" (Disney reference....)

Why is America so focused on electing psychopaths now in this era?

Would it be presumptive to suggest that anyone running for President should publish their mental health profile, history of counseling, and prescription drug history?

That would not necessarily be a way to disqualify any candidate.

You could choose the candidate of your Rx preference -- the meth addict, the crackhead, the occasional pot-smoker,the viagra pimp, the coke whore, the daily children's aspirin/Vicodin Mormon, etc.


How come in this age of 24 x 7 mass media we know basically NOTHING about who these pretenders are?

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It's nothing new to this era, political leaders have always been lying scum who sold their souls for power. The honest politition is the extremely rare (like once an eon rare) exception, not the rule.

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Well, if you're correct Paragon, then what is the path to restore Americans' faith in democracy?

Actually I have known a few honest politicans in my life. Revolutionaries actually.

All were assassinated. (And no, they were not Americans...)

There was a time in this country when people could vote for something other than the $400 haircut of their choice.

When eloquent but unattractive smart people could run for president -- before TV.

Did you watch the Demopublican and Republicrat debates?

I haven't seen such shameless shilling since the last sad tattered two-ring circus passed through my home town in nowhere Midwest.

Time to obtain your first or renew your passport gents!

Central America is a banquet of better destinations than what is going to happen in America post 2008....

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"The reason she did not have the female vote is not because there was no solidarity but because she was not up to it"

That sounds like sort of a rationalization. Obviously she was not up to it, but it is equally obvious that there is no "solidarity" at the level that feminists would like to believe.


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...finding a man to blame for her own defeat, ax. Remember, when a woman gets what she wants it's because she's special and she deserves it. When she doesn't get what she wants, it's some big bad man's fault.

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