12 year old fabricates rape story

Article here. Excerpt:

"McGee said the girl skipped school Wednesday to spend time with a male friend. He said the girl realized she would be in trouble for skipping school, so she made up the story involving rape, abduction and physical abuse to cover her tracks."

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My god, it starts early doesn't it?

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...it's a biologically programmed urge, sort of like sexuality as a whole.

There's no denying in an age of rampant paternity fraud, where 40-50% of rape accusations are false, when 43% of women are screwing around with their (often married) coworkers that deception and manipulation are key strategies in the female of our species' reproductive behavior. It's no surprise - we see this in plenty of bird, insect and mammal species. We're no different.

Feminism is the ultimate in female deception and manipulation. Because we're social creatures, it's equally unsurprising that female reproductive behavior is extended to the social and political world. We're often accused of "thinking with our dicks". Feminists are living proof of women "thinking with their pussies" (to use the same degree of disdainful language as the often heard statement about men).

Naturally feminists deny that anything is unavoidable and biological unless of course they're talking about men. Then everything is somehow inherently "evil".

Denial. It's a terrible thing.

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females don't wake up one mourning at 25 years old and suddenly decide they are going to lye and sleep their way to the top and out of all trouble they get in along the way.

Girls start experimenting with their sexual power from toddlers. They notice by two years old they get different treatment and instinctualy use their feminine gifts to attain what they desire. They are no different then boys in that respect.

Plus, these days by twelve that girl is a master at rape crisis victim theory. She's already had about 6 years constant training in school. And teacher wonder why they face false accusations. Hell, kids are asked in kindergarten these days about their parents and 'no no spots'. Of course they are going to figure out there is power in manipulating adults worst fears. Guess what, the average kid isn't the least bit afraid of sex. They have no basis to from which to form fear. They have never done it, seen it heard it or had any actual real experiences with it at all until they decide to try things out for themselves. They may have heard about it, but hearing about a thing and knowing a thing are not the same. But they damn sure know adults are scared to death of it. Kids play on adults fears all the time to get their way.

They are not little angels all the time. Of course that does not mean we should lock this girl up like a 25 year old woman either. At 12 she doesn't understand the harm she's causing either so the approach to dealing with her must be stern but tempered with compassion.

But with little girls now using "I've been raped!" as the new "the dog ate my homework" the world might be in for a whole lot of suffering in 15 or so years.

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