NH Men's Commission Renewed, But Without State Funding

I apologize for taking so long to announce this news, but as of a couple of weeks ago, NH Governor John Lynch signed into law HB 704, which includes a clause to renew the NH Commission on the Status of Men. The Commission's existence no longer has a renewal date and can now exist perpetually. However, the fiscal note attached to the bill (for $60k/year) was rejected and so the Commission will continue to exist, as it has for the past four years, without any state funding.

Although the lack of funding still poses challenges to the Commission, it's great to see that it is no longer at risk of ceasing to exist completely.

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Does it get local funding, contributions or what? Is there a way to make a donation?


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Still it is good news that the Commission has been renewed.
Time for some local editorials about 50% of the population of NH being marginalized by lack of funding for their governmental oversight body?

When your are starving a half a loaf is better than no loaf at all.

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The Commission can accept private donations; just no state funds. For information on where to send donations, check the Commission's web site:


Without a budget we're pretty limited in what we can do - primarily collecting facts and statistics and publishing reports (even though these incur printing costs for hardcopy distribution).

New Hampshire is known to be a very fiscally conservative state (we have no income or sales tax). Thus the effort to obtain funding was an uphill battle from the start, and opponents of the Commission pulled out the stops on trying to portray it as simply a "forum for angry fathers." I have some ideas on how we can pursue funding in another legislative session and we will probably make more attempts in the future.


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Maybe I'm just a tad too fed up with the real trojan horse male feminist fellow-travellers we've become used to; but this NH piece strikes me as an all too poetic illustration of where men's rights are here in contemporary VaginAmerica.

It's like the NH legislature is saying -- "Well, you cubscouts can have your little campfire, and we won't piss on it. But if you want us to fund matches or wood to keep it going, go talk to Hillary..."

What shite!

A "recognized commission without funding?"

What is that? Like a john on a street corner looking for a freebie?

Please baby, pleeeease!

No disrespect, but the NH Men's Commission might make a powerful statement by holding a public news conference to announce its demands for legalized irrelevance.

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Gotta start somewhere.

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Great to hear that the Commission is going to continue its work. You all have broken important ground for all of us and for that I am grateful.

I am curious to hear if the NH Commission for Women is funded and if so to what degree? I found a history for them online and it is worth reading through. It seems they had a rocky start without funding and found ways to get donations and grants from a variety of sources. I am sure that chivalry greased the wheel for them but it might be that asking the same sources for money for similar work could produce results. If requests were denied from the same sources it would make an interesting article about sexism.

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How is it that whenever women express their needs or desires, they're "in need of assistance" or "sad" or "upset" (i.e. innocent or victimized), but when men do it they're invariably described as "angry" (i.e. selfish or evil)?

I'm reminded of the study where people were shown a crying baby with no other context and asked to describe what it was feeling at the time. When they were told the baby was a girl, she was "scared" or "sad". When they were told the baby was a boy, the researchers were invariably told he was "angry".

It seems that misandry is a fundamental part of human nature. Of course, this makes every feminist's shill screech of "misogyny!" just as laughable as it is self-serving.

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Quite agree. My guess is that chivalry is the culprit. Men are expected to maintain the rigid sex role of "provide and protect" and any deviation from that (pointing towards his own needs or the needs of men) is seen as selfish woman hating. Men are free and encouraged to point towards the needs of women but are shamed if they point towards their own. When women complain they are simply alerting the "providers and protectors" of their duty to do so. This is why trying to get legislators to consider men is so difficult. They know that stuff for women gets them elected and stuff for men gets them booted out.

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RandomMan -- "It seems that misandry is a fundamental part of human nature."

I elevated this comment instead of sub-commenting under RM's post, because it is so trivially important to point out that --

MISANDRY is socially constructed.

This is where MRA's can agree with feminists!

It is patently obvious that once upon a time men were celebrated as heroes, not reviled as scum, batterers, deadbeat dads, wanna-be rapists, etc.

And, consider --- once upon a time women were not considered to be commodities dancing on poles or trying to be "raunchy."

The secret to false democracy is that you get what you forget to wish for....

And what you really want, never appears on the pull-down menu.


Sheeple love faux-democracy.

It only takes five minutes every four years to be a completely responsible American.

This country is a refuse dump at this point.

"Give us your tired and weak and psychopathic... and we'll make all of them Prezodents!"

And those are just the blueblooded descendents of the Pilgrims who own 97% of America's wealth!

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