NOW attacks father's right groups and parental alienation

Article here. Excerpt:

"The truth is that Parental Alienation really is a dangerous and cleverly marketed legal strategy that has caused much harm to victims of abuse, especially women and children during and post divorce. This strategy, promoted actively by several "father's rights" groups, has convinced many people, including some in the judicial system and the media, that the actions of a protective parent (usually the mother) are more harmful than the actual mistreatment inflicted by an abusive parent. The end result is public support (and an excuse) for the teary-eyed abusive parent, plus a willingness to believe that so-called parental alienation, and not the parent's own behavior, led to the child's anger toward that parent."

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The problem is, it's hard to tell whether or not that is the case unless you can actually see the entire history between the people involved. Just as with allegations of rape, they can be misused. The only thing we as a society can really do is look at the *evidence* involved in a case and then based on that, and not on prejudices, stereotypes, etc., come to a conclusion. Same thing for courts of law-- but when they don't stick to evaluating evidence but allow legal principles to be thrown to the wind in the name of feminism/political correctness, there's little chance of that happening.

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It is highly ironic that the femcunts at NOW should complain of "teary-eyed" fathers gaining sympathy. Feminism has always used emotions as its communications currency in interfacing with the public. They have always reduced highly complicated social arguments down to an emotional buzzword which any idiot can swallow.

Why? Emotional arguments are deceitful and deceptive in nature. Appealing to one's emotions, you quickly bypass their logical faculties and you can make them accept ideas which they would otherwise reject firmly. The key to propaganda is emotions and emotional manipulation; they key is "teary-eyed" images. The key is the creation of the victim in the mind of the public. It is a very clever technique.

"Until The Violence Stops", "STOP Grants", "Violence Against Women Act", "78:100", "Male Privilages" are all highly charged, emotional messages. The "Violence Against Women Act" is not an objective title, and could more justifiably be called the "Domestic Violence Act". Indeed, these repugant laws which remove a man's right to a fair trial and process - in many cases, rights which are Constitutionally protected in explicit terms, and thus are ongoing violation of the Constituion - are called "Domestic Violence Acts" in other countries. It goes by this title in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Malaysia and elsewhere, rushing onto the respective statue books unnoticed and unchallenged through the '90s.

But it is not enough to have a law that, in America, is in its 13th year of Constitutional violation, no. It's not enough that the law explicitly allows "arrest without warrant". No, American feminists ensured that its name alone would invoke "teary-eyed", "victim" and "emotional" imagery in the minds of the public.

It's all too ironic that the same Feminazi that used emotions to dupe fair-minded people into biased laws and policies, are now complaining that "emotions" are coming into play in father's rights (i.e. men's rights) cases.

And their is a world of difference between the reality of the State-condoned abuse men and fathers suffer, and the imaginary, abstract and concocted "victimisation" and "oppression" women "suffered". There is a world of difference between self-entitled femhags with too much time on their hands and men who are having their life dismantled bit by bit. Their family, their wealth, their past, their present and their future.

The reality is men who pass through our "justice" system suffer emotional, financial and social turmoil. Every single day this is happening. While femcunts bawk on in the Ivory Tower of Privileged Third-Level education, every day Systematic Wealth Transfer is occuring, every day a man's life, dignity and humanity is being torn apart. Indeed, his destruction, his removal from the familial and social sphere is no accident, no. It is the objective, and every institutional system - our Governments, our Courts, our Judges, the Legal Industry and Commercial Interests - have decided that this will be the outcome.

If these Feminazi's are trying to invalidate men's suffering financially, emotionally, socially and otherwise (which they are), they can kindly get cactus fucked. If they are trying to invalidate or deem inappropriate sympathy for these institutionally abused men among members of the fair-minded public (which they are), they can likewise get fucked.

Their contempt for humanity, equality and fairness is to be expected: all feminist literature of provided a theory in this direction, and the actions of feminists in the Establishment in practice, has proben this. It's the irony of how these "original emotional terrorists" are dealing with parental alienation and men's rights cases that gets me.

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I don't know how much more PROOF is needed to convince everyone who is not stuck on stupid that the NOW organization is a misandric social Marxist promoting organ that should be eviscerated out of the body politic of the West; that is if the West has the will to survive.

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All MRA poster's remarks in this thread are right on the mark.

(RandomMan -- excellent analysis....
I learned a lot from close reading.)

Sadly, as my header above asks, there will never be any outpouring of empathy let alone political solidarity from women --- for men.

Get used to it.

Women only see men as objects ("wallets") and as appliances ("Change the oil, honey...)

You have indeed been "objectified" by the so-called fairer sex.

You pay to get in; and you pay to get out!


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