France's Royal: Police women to be accompanied back home

Story here. Excerpt:

'Ms Royal attacked him over his plans for heavy cuts in the civil service and cited the case of a policewoman who was raped last month as she returned from work at night.

“Under my presidency every woman police officer will be accompanied to her home after work,” Ms Royal said. She scored points when Mr Sarkozy denounced the 35-hour maximum working week, introduced in 1999 by the last Socialist Government.'

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Great job. Yet another incentive to favor male police officers. Women officers will have the extra expense of being escorted home. Less women on the shift = more police on streets protecting citizens = safer neighborhoods, etc.

Hope no male officers get mugged on the way home, but who cares...they're only male.

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Let me get this straight - women who are POLICE OFFICERS - the people we train and arm to enforce our laws - are so weak and easily overcome by big bad men that they need another man to walk them home?

Why doesn't she just come right out and say that women shouldn't really be police officers? Oh, right, that would be sexist.

But somehow saying the same thing in another way isn't.

You gotta love this - she wants to make laws enforcing male gender stereotypes and chivalry and put them in the books alongside laws forbidding female gender stereotypes and femininity. I sense a women's studies course or two in someone's background.

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If a female cop escorts a female cop home, does someone else need to escort the first back to the police station?

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David A. DeLong

It sure makes a whole lot of sense now doesn't it? This world is going to hell faster than I can complain about it! We certainly have to protect the little darlings now don't we? Talk about convuluted logic; I had heard that france was oh so close to a police state, but now we know it is a femanazi state.

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Segolene Royal has throughout her election campaign played the gender/feminist/women's card in her rhetoric. She is playing gender politics with the female electorate, and there's little doubt that she would be quite feminist in her public policy. Unfortunately for her, the socialism she is advocating is simply not going to work, as France does not have the dynamo of a strong Capitalist culture.

She's no Maggie Thatcher, who admirably vowed to rid Britain of "creeping socialism". And, you see, with the strong Capitalist culture in place and well-oiled, it is then that you can really implement Feminist/Marxist policy, as Blair's Labour has been doing very steadily in its governance.

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Some of the largest corporations in the world operate out of France. They are the world 4th largest producer of automobiles (by volume) and the worlds 5th largest car company is 50% French (Nissan/Renault). Airbus calls France home though they operate throughout Europe. They are also the fashion capital of the world and the Worlds greatest wine industry is French. Oh, and they have an extremely well developed high tech industry. Perhaps you didn't know that Alcatel recently acquired Lucent to form the second largest network building business on Earth - the fruits of which you will see in the US before the end of this year in a new line of consumer cell phones from the new Alcatel-Lucent on all the major US carriers. They are doing much better then Germany's Siemens corporation. They also have Sagem who admittedly has struggled in recent years but has recovered financially and is starting to grow again.

There are many other examples, but these are a few you should be familiar with.

So, France has a world class

Food and drink industry
Commercial Transportation industry
Aerospace industry
Clothing industry
Automotive industry
High tech industry

But they are not a thriving capitalist country? Every capitalist country goes through periods of boom and bust - rapid growth and then recession.

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