Wage Gap Myth version II: Stay-at-home mothers' worth

Seems the measuring of financial matters when it comes to feminists truly knows no limits. The latest hilarity is to be found here. Wonder if stay-at-home dads get the same method of calculation?

"NEW YORK (Reuters) - If the typical stay-at-home mother in the United States were paid for her work as a housekeeper, cook and psychologist among other roles, she would earn $138,095 a year, according to research released on Wednesday.

This reflected a 3 percent raise from last year's $134,121, according to Salary.com Inc, Waltham, Massachusetts-based compensation experts.

The 10 jobs listed as comprising a mother's work were housekeeper, cook, day care center teacher, laundry machine operator, van driver, facilities manager, janitor, computer operator, chief executive officer and psychologist, it said."

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How much would you pay a psychologist with no formal training or degree?

How much would you pay a cook with no formal culinary training?

How much would you pay a daycare worker who wasn't licensed? Oh, and a lot of people work at daycare centers because they get free daycare for their own kids, which causes a bit of a paradox here.

How much would you pay a CEO with no experience running a company?

Comparing "jack of all trades" mothers to highly trained professionals in their fields is sheer lunacy.

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This calculation, which won't seem to go away, never takes into account that each of these "jobs" is not full time. For instance, she chauffeured "her" children for 20 minutes a day, to and from school, just in time to catch Oprah. Etc.

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"Wonder if stay-at-home dads get the same method of calculation?"

What does 'stay-at-home' have to do with it? Dads who work out of the home also put in a double shift once they get back.
My work day starts at 6:30am when I get my girls up to get them ready to go to daycare, and doesn't end until they are in bed at 7:30.
13 hours per day and about 12 hours per day on the weekend. That's only 89 hours per week.
Forget it, I guess I am privledged after all.

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How much would the following trades earn under similar circumstances:

auto mechanic
painter and decorator
sports coach
financial adviser
Chairman of the Board
snow remover
carper layer
furniture mover and restorer

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Your day doesn't end at 7:30 when you put your girls to bed. For example, your role as a father has you protecting your children during the 11 hours they are asleep. Using the stay-at-home mothers logic, you deserve the pay for a police officer or a private bodyguard during this time.

Let's see. 11 hours a day times 365 days per year times 30 dollars per hour. That's 120K right there. Of course, you're sleeping during much of this time but the 120K incorporates the same logic used by those who calculate the stay-at-home mothers worth.

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Network Administrator
IT Manager
Computer hardware technician
Computer software technician
Network installer
Network supervisor (usually if any parent knows enough to figure out the things their kids are doing online it's dad)

Hell just those jobs factored in with nothing else at all would net over 500K per year

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Gardener? You're selling yourself short, I think you mean Landscape Architect.

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...not this shit again. ;)

I can't believe that the pathetic weasels in the media really have to float this smelly old turd to the surface in order to sell deodorant and breakfast cereal to the housewives doing the shopping. It really would be nice if they'd grow up already (the media that is, and any housewife gullible enough to believe this crap).

I also find this sort of nonsense to be offensive to women whether you believe it or not, on top of its obvious insult to men who it suggests don't value their wives enough. It's pandering and smoke-blowing of the worst kind, and it suggests that all housewives are so hopelessly and childishly insecure that they have to be constantly reminded of how important they are by being ridiculously overvalued in this manner. I haven't seen that kind of a need for ego boosters on a regular basis since the first grade in men OR women. Adults are secure enough that they don't need this sort of thing to have a healthy self image. Most of the women I know are adults who work and they laugh their asses off at this kind of bullshit.

Should every home care and day care worker get $134K a year, since they do the same jobs as a housewife? Riiiight. Didn't think so. They don't spend the disposable income, so nobody's kissing their asses.

Oh, and is that $134K already adjusted for the fact that the poor, poor women only earn 77% of what the big, bad men do? Boooo hoooo.

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Pest control worker. Anybody know any wives that are stuck dealing with the spiders and mice? Didn't think so. My guy gets $60 a visit - that's gotta be good coin over the course of a year.

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Salary.com ran pretty much exactly the same "study" last year around this time.

It's a mother's day publicity stunt. Unfortunately people believe that this actually is a scientific study and quote the bloody thing.

Hint: there's a reason they had to include CEO and Psychologist in there. They wanted to make the numbers big; even though no reasonable person would ever state that the average stay at home mother has the qualifications or experience to be either.

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It's fun to play imagine like feminists do from time to time. It's just sad that some people believe their own imaginary world is real.

But this is still fun escapism non the less.

Let's not forget

Errand person (don't forget to pick up...on the way home)
Coach driver (men do do the majority of driving on long trips)

We could keep this going forever, but we're not feminists.

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If she is qualified to be a CEO, she may well be able to make at least $135,000 per year filling that position for even a relatively small-size company, and work only 8-10 hours per day; then hire a nanny to do all the other jobs at home, and pocket the difference.

Then again, if she hasn't already figured that out, we must assume that Accountant is NOT one of her jobs..


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Shouldn't men who beat their wives regularly, make a professional boxer's salary? After all, a champion-level heavyweight fighter can make $30 million in less than three minutes.

(just kidding!)


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If you go to Salary.com and use the Mom Salary feature, down at the bottom in itty bitty type there is a link to "What about Dad?"

Apparently, a stay-at-home dad would make $125K, as opposed to mom's $134K.

Also, working dads should get an additional $71K, as opposed to mom's $85K.

The problem is they use the same jobs for both men and women, leaving out all the skilled labor a man brings home for carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, as well as hauling garbage, fixing cars, and everything else, which would probably earn a lot more than the "chauffer" or "cook"

It would seem no one wanted to report on what men are worth...

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They fail to figure in a lot of work that working Dads and men do such as: auto menchanic, roofer, carepenter, dry wall, masonry and concrete, electrician, plumber, HVAC, welder, painter, gardner, small appliance repair, tree trimmer, window washer, cook, laundry operator, financial manager, facilities manager, child care, etc.

All a study of the real facts prove, in my opinion, is how lazy and pampered stay at home Moms and women truly are. According to my estimation, males are performing work well worth over $300,000.00 per year.

Are gender feminists the biggest liars and frauds in the world, or are they just that stupid???

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The more I read, the more I realize its the damn media to blame for probly 80% of all the B.S. related to feminist issues.

This study is so completly over the top, it makes no sense at all, as many of you have pointed out already so I wont repeat.

What we really need is an all out war against the media, start taking these chumps to court, they need to stop spewing out so much garbage!

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Are gender feminists the biggest liars and frauds in the world, or are they just that stupid???

a) They're liars
b) They're frauds
c) They're that stupid
d) They're delusional
e) All of the above

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If men would stop being chivalrous towards women, and force them to deal with the world by themselves, women would not have the time to sit around and orchestrate fraudulent nonsense like this.

Moreover I have started several anti-feminist groups only to have them "ignored" by men. The lack of unity amongst males is what gives the media power over us. Men had better wake up and wake up quick before more fraudulent "studies" are published in an effort to make the world worse than it already is.


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Looks like they're going a bit further this year to push this misinformation...

Similac is sponsoring a contest to pay mom a one year "salary" for what she's worth.


At least they don't try to say that working moms are worth $200K
because they do everything an at home mom does and work all day.

Also, check this out... :

... yes Missy, you too can be earning $90K by coming back to the
workforce because there aren't enough talented people out
there and companies are looking for you because of your
Multi-Tasking Capabilities, Compassion/Empathy, Dependability,
Work Ethic, Relevant Life Experience and Management and People
Skills that you honed staying at home.

Honestly, I don't understand why Salary.com doesn't see that
they're completely discrediting themselves by doing this "study"
every year.

Everyone with 2 brain cells can see that this is bogus. Considering
their business is based on doing research on what people are worth;
why would anyone pay for anything that they have to say?!

If anyone wants to play with salary.com's calculator it's here:


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Hmmm... an interesting thought... I don't see anything in the contest rules saying that it's only open to women...

The contest is only open to US citizens, though...

Now, wouldn't that send an interesting statement if a man could win.

The contest is basically to submit a creative jpg and caption of your favourite "mom job".

Here's the judging criteria:

(1) Originality & Creativity of Photo - 35%; (2) Appropriateness of Photo to Caption - 35% and (3) Appropriateness of Caption to “Mom’s Job” Theme – 30%. In the event of a tie, the tied entries will be re-judged based on the criteria listed above.

I don't live in the states; so I can't enter; but perhaps someone might want to give it a try.

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I could send them a picture of me drinking wine and watching Oprah... Think I would win for being honest???

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