Sports Illustrated's Deford denounces Title IX - but blames men for poor academics

Frank Deford, in his latest column, denounces the impact of Title IX on men's sports teams. At the same time, however, he also blames the lack of men on college on men's poor study habits and only being interested in sports. He makes no mention of the systematic problems in educating in men, and ultimately considered the current system fair. Excerpt:

"The current situation is fair. It is not the fault of girls that boys won't work hard in the classroom. However, it is really not healthy that, soon enough, most colleges will only have men's teams in football and basketball, maybe baseball."

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Put 20 women in a gym. Add a basketball, volley ball, or any other 'plaything'. See what happens. Mostly chit chat and bullshit. No competitive sports will occur.

Put 20 men in a gym. Add a basketball, volly ball, or any other plaything. What happens?

Full on highly competitive athletic warfare.

The notion that most women are driven to athletic expression is an artificial social construct of the last 20 years of Title IX booloney. Statistically, women are much, MUCH less likely to be attracted to sweaty, competitive athletics. Title IX gives them the opportunity to be like boys...even though they are really piss poor at it.

Oh one last thing. It also allows girls to go out for boys teams in high school, but absolutely disallows the reverse.
How is that for equal opportunity!!!

oregon dad

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The natural competitiveness of males is being suppressed in classrooms so it is little surprise another outlet has to be found. Female centred education methods have left intelligent boys bored and frustrated and you can feel the schadenfreude whenever it is reported that females are outperforming males in education. With a lack of male teachers in classrooms and boys constantly being told they are inferior to girls, it is little wonder they grow up with contempt for education.

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"The current situation is fair. It is not the fault of girls that boys won't work hard in the classroom. However, it is really not healthy that, soon enough, most colleges will only have men's teams in football and basketball, maybe baseball."

Let's reverse a few things, and make it 1985:

"The current situation is fair. It is not the fault of boys that girls won't work hard in the classroom. However, it is really not healthy that, soon enough, most colleges will only have women's teams in football and basketball, maybe baseball."

So, Mr. Sportswriter, does this sound sexist now? The incredible irony is that idiots like this writer believe women to be somehow inferior to men so they apply nonsensical double standards to men and women. If someone believes women need a double standard to "achieve equality", what they're actually saying is that women are inferior.

Sexist is as sexist does.

Frank Deford is a sexist pig. Fortunately I won't be reading his crap since I've just stopped reading Sports Illustrated. I'd rather count the holes in ceiling tiles in a waiting room than read sexism like his. I can't wait for his next piece, which I presume will say something similar with "men" and "women" replaced with "black" and "white". I'm sure that will go over well too.

Vote with your wallets, men.

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Thats the message I send to all feminist, and none of them have one single reply that makes any sense.

That message is simple, if you need a double-standard, you will never find equality or justice. Its that simple and theres no logical argument in the universe that can stand up to it.

I dare anyone...

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...that women's "studies" indoctrinates women to truly believe that all men are actively conspiring to oppress all women at all times and in all situations. Therefore an indoctrinated feminist believes that double standards favoring women are both necessary and justifiable because men are evil. They further believe that these double standards are justifiable as a result of men's conscious, pervasive and deliberate attempts to oppress all women, not any shortcoming on the part of women themselves.

This kind of distorted world view is what psychiatrists call a delusion of persecution. In its most severe form it's called a "paranoid" delusion. I suppose in its milder form they might call it "cognitive dissonance", but it would still necessitate treatment if a person were that delusional about any other subject.

You know what psychiatrists call people who have paranoid delusions and thought disorders that impair their ability to test reality?

The doctors call them "psychotic". Outside the psychiatric community we call women with this problem "feminists".

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Yes your right, thats pretty much all I hear from feminist, all women are oppressed. Thats how they justify the double-standard, but as any mature human being should know, its all bologny.

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When Imus said what he did about women, there was outrage! It's time for us to create some outrage and let society know that we men, as well, WILL NOT tolerate sexism directed at boys and men either even if it is coming from vile, despicable men like Frank Deford! These detestable double-standards must be stopped! Does anyone know how I can contact Sports Illustrated? I also want to get the message to Glenn Sacks. We have to learn to fight fire with fire! Frank Deford must go! I hope you guys will help spread the message to boycott this piece of trash!

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