Unauthorized Biography of Hillary Clinton Paints Familiar Picture

It seems Carl Bernstein's recent biography of Hillary Clinton exposes some of what many of us already knew. Read the pre-publication review here. Excerpt:

'With the thoroughness for which he is famous, Bernstein spoke to more than 200 of Clinton’s friends, colleagues and adversaries. He stops short of accusing the New York senator of blatantly lying about her past, but has unearthed examples of where she has played fast and loose with the facts about her “personal and political life”, according to Knopf.

The book could revive the explosive charge, made earlier this year by David Geffen, a former Clinton donor and Hollywood mogul, that “the Clintons lie with such ease, it’s troubling”.
Bernstein’s biography is likely to touch some raw nerves. One writer who has crossed swords with Clinton advises Bernstein to watch his back. “She has the most powerful war machine that has ever been developed and it is led by people who have been to hell and back.”.

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David A. DeLong

With all her family money behind her, and her obvious desire to rule openly, is anyone really surprised? The only reason she didn't dump Bill is because she felt that by keeping him it would help her political desires. I guess having a woman as president connected to one of the largest propaganda machines is no worse than having a pres. connected to oil. Or in Kerry's case being controled by a large corporations money. Do we really have a choice as to a quality leader? Do we really have a choice at all?

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Hillzilla has yet to come up with a reason for ME to vote for her.

She is really getting to be a total bore.

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WASHINGTON - Jet-setting Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton is a fussy frequent flier who used three different planes in a single day during a recent campaign swing through South Carolina.

The former first lady even grounded one aircraft - a chartered Gulfstream II - in Columbia, S.C., last Friday, demanding a swankier Gulfstream III replacement for a flight out west.

"She didn't like the configuration of the cabin," an aviation source familiar with Clinton's travel told The Post.

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The first thing Nancy Pelosi did when she got elected Speaker of the House was to demand a bigger, better, more luxurious plane to fly around in then any house speaker has ever had access to in the past.

Feminists are only in it for the personal gratification, they couldn't care less about anyone but them selves.

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I'm about to vote for the Law and Order guy simply because this country has become little more than one of those fraudulent reality TV shows.


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If you are trying to make some point about TV shows, Law and Order is one of the most Misandric fear mongering shows there is.

If you are saying hypothetically that if candidates were TV shows you'd vote for Law and Order over an MTV reality show you'd probably end up with and even worse result for men. Reality shows tend to humiliate men, Law and Order tends to paint them as the devil and have them hunted like animals. Yup, that's better.

By the way, your Yahoo group would attract more attention if you dropped the word "nazi". Better yet, drop the word feminist altogether.

Just some advice, but most men don't have the first clue about what feminism is about. Most men are like chivalrous and do care more about the women in their lives then they do about their own life. They will see you as feminists do - as a woman hater. They are more likely to send you hate mail then join your group. You must take a moderate approach and make the focus of the group men, not women. Men are attracted to things about men, not to things about hating women. You're not getting results because your approaching things backwards.

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...the "how to kill your husband and get away with it hour". It started out reasonably enough but like all TV it rapidly degenerated into a vehicle to sell consumer products to housewives.

I was also about to say the same thing to MrReality about his approach Paragon. Hate's not going to get him anywhere, and an ultra-radical approach just drives people away from causes. Most men are hardwired to protect women and children so trying to sell them on hate won't interest men.

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That gave me a good laugh!

What do you call Law and Order SVU then? The 'how to get men to kill each other by demonizing them sexually so women don't have to hour'?

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