Mom gets 40 years for raping her children; Dad gets FIVE life sentences!
Submitted by SpikeRants on Mon, 2006-07-31 20:44
So, the crime is the same: the parents are having sex with their children and doing it live over the web. But, mom only gets 40 years, but the dad gets 5 consecutive life sentences PLUS 96 additional years!
No bias indeed.
Story here.
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The judge did not seem to
The judge did not seem to think this woman should be kept in jail past menopause
"Judge David Davis on Friday imposed the maximum sentence, saying Kraft should not be released from prison while she can bear children."
Dad will leave prison in a pine box but mom will get out as soon as she can no longer become pregnant.
Yup. Definately no female discount there. Couldn't be any more gender equal. Though I am sure that feminists would hail this judge for being so very "Gender Aware" as they are so fond of saying.
Of course it was all her husbands fault. She loved [to have sex with] her children and did not mean to [think that she was resposable for anything that could) hurt them.
And of course this is another example of why all current laws involving sex offender registries are utterly useless in preventing sex crimes. over 90% of all sex crimes against children occur at the hands of a relative or close friend and almost always in the childs own home!
How is keeping sex offenders away from bus stops going to prevent MOM from raping her children in their own bed?
Time to aply some rational thought to issues concerning sex offenders!
And time to treat monster moms the same as monster dads
this is nothing new. i wish i had the statistics (which somehow i lost)that proves female criminals will do less jail time than a man who committed the same crime. we've discussed the empathy courts have toward women. but i must admitt, i really don't understand what the courts are gaining with this male bias. it could be the affirmative action used to employ more female judges. whether the judge in this case was a male is irrelevant, these feminist juges have infiltrated the court system with a disturbing theory (men are bad, women are good)
it must be more complicated than feminist judges, men for many years have been screwed by the judicial system. my theory is society in general has more regard for the well being of a females life.
example: in 2005 the u.s. heath department spent 66% of funding on female health issues (not including prenatal of pregancy) women now make up 55% of clinical trials. the irony...women out live men by 5.5 years.
a ministry of womens's health exist, none for men.
i might be getting off the subject of a biased court system, but i believe sociology plays a big role in many inequities that effects men. this mans conviction suggests he's more of a threat to society.
here's a disturbing fact, women are much more likely to committ child abuse (something you never hear about) these facts are often suppresed by the media. there was a day women depended on a man for protection, now women depend on the government for protection. that protection supercedes the well being of a child.
i'm certain college women studies programs will never admiit this fact regarding child abuse. domestic abuse prepetuated by a man is wrong (just as wrong when women committs the same crime). but child abuse perpetuated by a female is more disturbing. a child has no way of defending themselves. however, skewed statitics regarding domestic abuse gets much more attention than child abuse.
with that said, society views women as nothing more than children. again i might be getting off the subject, but i believe factors involving this verdict has many implications regarding the "free pass" women often recieve when they perpetuate a crime.
help me out here. i believe in the eary 90's a canadian couple brought young women to their home and both equally abused and murdered these women. he got life in prison, she recieved 15 years. i wish i had more info on this case. anyone with information on this case, please enlighten me.
are you guys aware of "msnbc investigates" stories of men that have come to a females house under the impression she was 15 years old. these stories are constantly broadcasted. these men are approached by an msnbc employee, who questions their intentions, and are subsequently arrested.
i definatley have no sympathy for these men.
i'm waiting for a investigated report regarding women who targets underaged boys. (it does exist) it will never happen. we know this becuase of the disturbing increase of female teachers having sex with their students. these women usually get probabtion.
the media portrays men as evil bastards, while women who committ the same crime are reabilitated. again my theory: men bad, wowen good. when will society hold women with the same accountability that men are held with.
i'm waiting for a
i'm waiting for a investigated report regarding women who targets underaged boys. (it does exist) it will never happen. we know this becuase of the disturbing increase of female teachers having sex with their students. these women usually get probabtion.
Don't hold your breath. Male predators prowl the web. Female predators prowl their neighbourhood. I don't mean this is ALWAYS true (as I'm sure there is one of two female predators on the web somewhere) but it IS the trend nowadays. And since nowadays is where we're living, we might as well accept it and expect to get shown things from a point of view that stresses gender a lot.
To nail female predators on camera would require detective work, while nailing male predators on the web requires only a computer and some spare time to chat and pretend you're 15. That's why any reports you'll see on female predation for years to come will be basically victims retelling their experiences and experts babbling on about whatever theory is the hottest at that time.
Anyway, bottomline is, don't expect similar journalistic works done on female predators because the way female predators work nowadays makes it hard to nail them in a similar fashion.
PS: those male predators who were attracted to the houses were told they would meet a handful of different teenagers (one at a time, of course), boys and girls, ages from 11(?) to 15, not just 15 girls.
On the actual topic of this thread, the mom getting 40 years and dad 5+ life sentences:
notice dad's getting life no matter what, but mom's getting, like, 15 years if she behaves, maybe even less if they get her out on parole(?). They got judged on the stereotypes society has them in, not their actual crimes, and that's the most subverted demonstration of "justice" I recall in the past months.