Red Alert! Men May Soon Be Taxed More Than Women

Essay here.

This sexist economic agenda, if acted upon, would severely disadvantage men in the workforce because employers would hire more women than men simply for the fact that women would be cheaper to hire. Such an act, therefore, would lead to mass discrimination against men by employers and would greatly reduce men's presence at jobs.

Young men would be less inclined to seek higher education (a problem already affecting boys) as a result of knowing that their chances of getting jobs would be far lower than women's chances; consequently, the educational crisis affecting boys and men could dramatically get worse sending society into utter economic chaos. This article should be sent to every men's group on the planet! This must be stopped at once!

Paper here.

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Men already pay 70% of the taxes in the states. If anything, we should get a cut.

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Tax me more just because I'm a man? I'm a contractor -- I get paid by the hour. Perhaps I should cut back on my hours to work on that work/life balance that women are so concerned about. You know... Do my part on starving the beast...

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Two people writing a paper about an economic theory doesn't mean "Red alert", nothing is happening soon. It's one of a million things people need to keep an eye on is all.

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Maybe you're right that it's not yet a red alert. But the powerful feminist lobby in Sweden tried to create a man tax there, and I wouldn't be surprised if they try it in the U.S. too. They'll use material like this to justify it. It may not be a red alert yet, but it's a serious warning sign and should not only be watched but responded to.

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Which should come as no surprise to those familiar with India's widely-abused dowry laws and the popularity of communism in some regions thereof. Outside of Sweden and Norway you really can't get man-hate or state-sponsored gender terrorism of the intensity you do in India.

If this kind of thing ever happens thanks to a government near me, I stop working. Period. Women can support me (a historical first - an average outcome which has women supporting men). I'd rather be a burden on the prison system than pay another penny of taxes to such a system.

Of course it already has happened in a much less obvious way - women get all sorts of child-possession and vagina-ownership perks on their tax returns, not to mention the steady trend towards making all support and alimony taxable on the payer's end of the equation.

There truly is nothing which confers more privilege and protection than a vagina.

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This attitude of "let's wait until it is happening" is one of the reasons why men are in the deplorable conditions we are in now. While this idea is in the workings, we need to work to stamp it out immediately before it actually becomes a threat. Think ahead! Men have to stop waiting until an event is actually "happening" and catch the probable threat while its in its infancy to have a better chance of eradicating it. The VAWA is happening now and look how hard it is to stop that. Perhaps if men had spoken against it well in advance while it was being plotted before it actually became a problem, the problem would not exist today. But we played the "lets wait until it's happening" card and look at the disaster it has caused.

When Larry Summers made his statement about men being advantaged in math and science, women acted quickly and he was out. In that short period of time governmental programs had been instituted to help girls and women in the math and science arena. Women didn't care that Larry's statement was just a theory or some "paper." It posed a threat to them in that his theory, if believed, might have influenced the hiring of women in science and technology fields and so they acted. They stamped it out before it posed a problem. What is holding men back from doing the same?

I am also looking at the issue from a broad point of view rather than a narrow one. There is already a huge debate about the so-called gender gap in pay. This was brought up on a CNN news show recently when the Imus case was being discussed. Could such ideas from a "paper" be used by politicians to "even" the dilusional wage gap? Just think. The Democrats have finally taken over the House, and an alarming number of them support radical Feminism and anti-male legislation. The last time the Democrats had the house, Title IX and the gender bias VAWA was passed. Who's to say that with the wage gap issue in debate, the Democrats won't resort to such tactics as described in the paper to achieve so-called equality in the workforce. The paper wasn't written by a struggling student at an isolated community college, it was written at Harvard which happens to be a renowed University. If politicians applied the agenda described in this paper, this issue may be a reality and a threat to men very soon, and the implications of it would be far worse than Title IX or the VAWA. It is for these reasons this matter is a "Red Alert."

But it's up to you. If you want to wait around until it happens, you'll have no one to blame but yourself for waiting until it is "happening" to respond.

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I've read papers from people saying women should be required to leave the workforce altogether, because it's ruined famlies. If feminist organizations started bashing men on the media saying "men want women out of the workforce and we need to stop it NOW!", everyone here would point out that they're overreacting. We'd point out that the opinions of a few moronic people writing a silly paper don't represent an actual political movement. If someone tries to put this proposition infront of a congressperson, let me know.

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All I know to say about the sick-o writers of this article, is that they are trying to create a new political category for themselves, because I've never seen anything quite like this. Then again, I'm not an economist or a political scientist. It just seems to me that their mentality embodies a unique combination of several already-perverted systems, such as capitalism-run-amok and ideological feminism.

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They say, "A lower tax on women would lower their pre-tax wage and increase their after-tax wage, making it relatively cheaper for an employer to hire women. Discrimination would then become more costly."

But according to feminists everywhere, it is ALREADY cheaper to hire women, since they are only paid 50-80% of what men make! IOW, discrimination against women is already more costly, yet that hasn't resulted in a general preference for for female employees.

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You want to fight back and really sent a message. GO HERE. It applies to Canada, USA, and Australia.

Take the red pill. It's free.

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I fully agree. If this happens, I'll stop working and will live on the steps of Congress protesting this sexist fascism. I'm emailing the authors to let them know that and about our movement. They are at:

Professor Alberto Alesina

Professor Andrea Ichino

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I'll email them about this issue at once and list all the horrendous implications that could result if such a plan were put into action. I know some of you may think I'm overreacting, but I'm doing this, not just for me, but for you guys, too.

Hey Marc, do you happen to have the email address to the Dean of Admissions at Harvard?

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"Hey Marc, do you happen to have the email address to the Dean of Admissions at Harvard?"

I don't know about the dean of admissions but the dean is Elena Kagan at

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Due to the fact that trolls on this board, are "taxing" the patience of the legitimate and ethical members. They must now pay an energy tax (utility surcharge) of 3 cents per hour, for the electricity their computers are using while they sit and type nonsense.

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Did anyone notice one of the "economists" is from the University of Bologna. As in Baloney.


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IMO, only persons of Nazi mentality would tax a birth group. Nazi Professors Alberto Alesina and Andrea Ichino
want a man tax. See their paper at

Putting aside their Nazi mentality, why men? Men already pay more taxes than women, work 90% of overtime, make 92% of work-related deaths, drive longer commutes and work high-stress, long-hour jobs in order to feed their families. They die younger and more often for the 10 leading causes of death. Then they're told they're "privileged" because of the "pay gap" that actually reflects the female privile of having more options than men. Warren Farrell, "Why Men Earn More." And now they're threatened with a man tax like men were in Sweden. Men collect Alesina's and Ichino's garbage, clean their sewers, fix their streets, etc. so they can get to their ivory tower job and propose a man tax. People should tell them exactly what they think of their man tax by emailing them.

Professor Alberto Alesina

Professor Andrea Ichino

And let the Dean of Harvard know what you think at

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Not only does men's hard work provide women with more options, it has been men's hard work and inventive genius that has enabled women to now live seven years longer than men. The vast majority of medical and scientific advances which have served women's health, have been made by men in those fields. Then these men are thanked by idiots, who now say that men's lower life-span is due to biological factors.

Has there ever been a more catered-to, entitled class than white Western women? They have an ever-increaing share of the wealth and power, but do an ever-increasing share of the complaining.


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If you want to be free read my last post or be a duped slave forever. This is not an advertisement.

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