RADAR ALERT: Nifong: The Tip Of The Iceberg

Your mission this week, should you decide to accept it, is to familiarize yourself with the Duke case.

"This woman has destroyed everything I worked for in my life," said David Evans, former Duke lacrosse player recently exonerated of sexual offense and kidnapping charges. Crystal Gail Mangum, single mom and "exotic dancer" put Evans and two other young men, as well as their families and friends, through 395 days of hell. And it easily cost these families a million dollars each; all to keep innocent young men from 30 years in prison.

Mangum was able to maintain her deceit for so long because she had the enthusiastic help of Durham County District Attorney Michael Nifong.

Evan's comment rings true for many men falsely accused of rape, sexual assault and domestic violence. Prosecutors and researchers say that half of all allegations of rape turn out to be false. In many cases, the D.A. goes ahead with the prosecution of the innocent, willfully ignoring the fact the accuser admitted she lied. And it's becoming common knowledge that some women file false charges against their partners to assure sole custody of children during divorce.

These offenses can only occur when due process is not respected; something that, unfortunately, is all too common. Yet mainstream media is portraying this as it it were an isolated case.


Watch the videos above. Then read the following related information:

Stay tuned. Next week we'll launch our campaign to stop prosecutorial abuse in cases where sexual assault or domestic violence is alleged.

Date of RADAR Release: April 19, 2007

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R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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Trouble is, these days the witches are usually men (and usually they are white heterosexual men). One might say that the modern witch-hunt era we are currently living in, started with the McMartin Pre-School fiasco. I don't think most people ever learn from these events. In fact, it seems that as time goes on, the injustice in these cases gets worse and worse. A major culprit is the news media. They are so incredibly irresponsible and fucked-up, that I suggest that some sort of group representating the public must step in and take serious action, to hold these unethical scoundrels accountable. Perhaps a massive boycott of ALL products advertised in ALL the media. Not much chance of that though.

Get a load of this quote from the article (Roberts was the second stripper):

"Roberts called the players 'short d--k white boys,' according to several defense attorneys. ('She did admit to saying that,' says Simeon.) One player shouted back, 'We asked for whites, not n-----s.' Roberts yelled, 'That's a racial slur, a hate crime,'"

There are double-standard shitheads at all levels of society..all the way up, all the way down (as shown in the quote). Actually the stripper's remark is more hateful, since it is sexist AND racist. But of course if the conversation happened on the street, and a case was made out of it, the sexist part of the remark would be ignored.


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Is anyone else having trouble viewing the "AG speaks out" page? Part of the page is missing and there is the annoying yellow exclamation mark at the lower left, "error on page!". I think that usually means there's a JavaScript error in the page source code. Perhaps my firewall is a piece of shit, but I don't have it set to block any Javascripts.
Sorry to get off the subject.

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I had no trouble viewing the "AG speaks out" page. The video is great.

It's the first time I've heard the three players speak. They are articulate, educated, and clearly intelligent. They are warm and sincere. They are the type of young men you would trust with your daughter or sister. So much for dumb jocks.

In a real shocker, CBS/60 minutes actually mentioned the name of Crystal Gail Magnum and showed her picture. Of course, they classified her as "disturbed." That may be true. But the question I have is this. If she's too disturbed to be prosecuted for what she did, then isn't she too disturbed to have custody of her children? Where's child welfare in this case?

In a bright spot, the players where supported by the women's lacross team at Duke. I believe they all wore "innocent" armbands at a championship game sometime during the past year. Personally, and while there are many exceptions, I think athletes (men and women) tend to have a more honest view about life.

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Maybe the "AG" video was good, but why did one of the other ones get cut off before the end???? It is the one where someone from R.A.D.A.R. is talking about stats for false rape accusations, and she gets cut off in mid-sentence with the video ending prematurely. Makes me highly suspicious..I am looking for a way to contact Newsweek about this by phone..

Also the D.A. said they aren't going to go after the stripper..he says, "she may have believed the stories she was telling". So how is this whole thing going to keep people from making false accusations in the future? In fact I even suspect they will increase, since women now see how far the whole thing can go, even on just someone's word. And since most guys accused of rape don't have million-dollar lawyers, there may even be an increase in the conviction rate for rape itself, in these type cases.

BTW, what video player are you using? I tried manually loading into both Win Media Player and Quick Time, and neither works. From the page source, it looks like there is a reference to some sort of "default" video player on the news station's end.


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The boys get "Justice"

The stripper, whore, drug addicted, negligent parent, liar, gets to walk away scott free and keep whatever "victim's services" money and other perks she collected along the way

Nifong takes the fall - all in the "justice system" declare: Problem solved!

The justice system carries on business as usual learning NOTHING from the experience and feminists celebrate that now women know full well how to destroy any man with the full power of the State with nothing more then a word - and now if they didn't know already, they know now they can get away with it completely unscathed.

Men's rights - 0

Status Quo Feminists - 1

Good thing the games not over yet and more and more of the fans are starting to root for our side!

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To answer your question, in this case, I used Windows Media Player under IE. I normally do not use Windows platforms (I'm a Unix/Linux person), so I can't provide much insight.

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