Winkler Verdict: Vol. Manslaughter, Could Get 3-6 Years

Story here. No, not murder. Not even close. She *could* get 3-6 years and get released. Sex composition of the jury: 10 women, two men. Justice served? Excerpt:

'SELMER, Tennessee (CNN) -- A Tennessee jury on Thursday found Mary Winkler guilty of voluntary manslaughter in the shotgun killing of her husband.

Winkler showed no emotion when the verdict was announced.

The judge ruled that she would remain free on bond until her sentencing, which is scheduled for May 18.

The manslaughter conviction could send Winkler to prison for between three and six years.
The 10 women and two men deliberated for about six hours, before reaching a verdict.

She could have been convicted of first-degree murder, which would have been punishable by 51 to 60 years in prison. Early in the case, prosecutors decided not to pursue the death penalty.'

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The same day, former Qwest CEO is convicted of insider trading violations-- and is facing decades behind bars.

Not that he doesn't have it coming. But just what do you think this says that a woman can murder her husband and basically get away with it, and someone (in particular, a male someone) who steals a lot of money faces the prospect of living the rest of his life behind bars?

Woman murders her husband: 3-6 years... maybe
Man rips off shareholders: 30+ years... maybe

Time will tell what actual sentences they draw. 'twill be very interesting to see.

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10 women in the jury? Jesus, imagine the jury picking.

"Do you have a vagina?"
"No, sir"
"You're excused"

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The judge let her go on her present bond until sentencing in May. I guess she will go back to her job at the dry cleaners until that time. I just hope she doesn't become a victim of an armed robbery of the place where she works and gets shot to death maybe even in the back! Now wouldn't that be a horrible karmic conclusion to this sorry saga?.....NOT!

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I read that 1 of the women on the jury said she had been the victim of domestic violence. I guess the purpose of that selection was to make sure the defendant got justice --a short prison sentence.

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Exactly. I'm sure they weren't looking for people that wouldn't have any opinions on the accused or the victim for the jury. Emotional people with baggage in the right areas are perfect for jury members in these cases.

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Yet another helper to the feminist logic of "Men are more violent because there's more men in prison" bullshit they spew every chance they get.

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A jury for a male accused of murdering his wife with 10 out of the 12 jurors being men?... (Kim Gandy would have a panic attack!)I can't imagine that because the judicial system seems to believe a woman's perspective on crime and legality is, (for some reason), superior to that of a man's. Creating an in- balance of male jurors is an bigoted attack on a male's civil liberties and his idealogy. Our politically correct / feminized judicial system blatantly ignores a man's persepective. This will ultimately damage many court outcomes. This outcome sends a disturbing message to violent females. Kill your husband, and simply use the "victim card" to avoid the same penality a man would receive under similar circumstances. Apparently one of the female jurors was a "victim" of domestic violence. Why wasn't she disqualified during the jury screening process???? It's obvious her emotional experience would easily impair her judgement when making a decision regarding a woman who plays the victim role to support her defense.



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The only question remaining in this travesty of justice is whether the aristocrat will do ANY prison time at all or be sentenced to time served and probation. I am going with limited probation for 3 years.

It must be hard on the Christian parents (and the church congregation that had nothing but the highest praise for him) of the murder victim to learn that the state of Tennessee has determined that their dead preacher son was an evil abusive monster who was into kinky sex and tried to smother his infant child on the morning he was murdered trying to stop her from crying so he could get some sleep!

All of this on the unsubstantiated word of the murderer who shot him in the back while he was asleep!

So much for the misandric little dog and pony show justice system of Tennessee! pppfffft!

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Check out's story today (Apr 21) about the latest developments in the Winkler case. The article implies that Mary Winkler may do little or no time and resume custody of her three daughters. As a side piece, the paper reports that many readers think Mary should receive custody of her children. Also, notice the tone of the article. The Tennessean's tone seems to almost be "Hurray for Mary! She got rid of that no-good husband... and she might be able to soon resume her normal life with her kids as she well should! Go girl!"

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The way things are going HER WAY she may wind up with a fuckin' medal from the state of Tennessee chapter of the American Rifle Association .

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I would have been surprised if it had gone any other way!

The outcome of this case was certainly predictable from the moment battered women's organizations began to publicize their perspectives on it and as soon as battered women's advocates ran to her side after her arrest and confession was made public.

As soon as she was out on bail and given a job etc. in the mainstream community, it gave her access to all of the coaching and information necessary to develop an "abuse excuse" case for herself! There are certainly enough precedents that exist on how to be successful at this, and defense attorneys are very aware of it!

Her testimony on the stand and the statements of her defense team are "canned responses" right out of the mouths of DV Advocates who coach women everyday and encourage the rampant abuse of the system that was originally supposed to assist legitmate victims of domestic assault.
I hear it in the court hearings I attend and so I was not the least bit surprised!

Her own daughter testified that her father did not abuse her mother and trust me, children know more than the adults think they do when it comes to the dynamics between their parents! In spite of parent's attempts to hide domestic violence and domestic abuse from the eyes and ears of their's never entirely successful!

Her confession and the evidence tells a much different perspective on this case as opposed to her planned responses in order to tell the predominently female jury what they needed to hear to feel sorry for her, instead of seeing the real deal here!

This sends some pretty clear messages to her nine yr old daughter...(ie)
You can tell the truth but if someone's lie is more dramatic then your truth, they will be believed.
Your Dad was a good guy but was killed for no good reason by your Mom.
How much was your Dad's life worth?
Your Mom lied about your Dad,made him seem like a monster , even though you know it's not the truth.
You will some day have to live with your Mom, who you know murdered your Dad and got away with it. (and your Dad's not there anymore to protect you from someone capable of murdering a family member...)

How safe does her daughter feel now??

Please understand that as a DV Advocate myself...I help numerous women as well as men, who have suffered domestic abuse, because SAFE helps everyone so that all victims have a voice and do not stand alone.
So this is not a "gender thing" for me personally or professionally!

I am sickened by the prejudice aganst men that justifies murdering them as long as the testimony fits the "abuse excuse" criteria!

While the same anti-male victim prejudice requires that a man have more evidence regarding his victimization at the hands of his wife, just to get a restraining order than Mary Winkler did to get away with murder!

People need to wake up soon, lest their sons grow up feeling that they are worthless, while their daughter's grow up feeling that they are "empowered" by taking a life!

Another case chalked up to the "success of VAWA and it's proponents" !

Lee Newman
Executive Director: SAFE International
(Stop Abuse For Everyone)
Director: SAFE-NH
P O Box 523
Rochester, NH 03867
Phone: 603-859-0859
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit, donations are tax deductible.

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I don't doubt that feminists are delighted at the outcome of the Winkler case. As a matter of fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they hope for many more such favorable opportunities -- wives murdering their husbands and then claiming battered woman defense.

This case ought to send a chill down every married man and every male who anticipates getting married. Or for that matter, any man who is living with a woman. Listen up, guys!

She can murder you while you're asleep, while your back is turned, or while you're incapacitated in some way. She can then claim that you were abusive. She can say ANYTHING, and there doesn't need to be any evidence indicating abuse. Feminist groups and feminist lawyers will come to her defense. Feminists and their allies in the mainstream media will be especially sympathetic to her. She will then do little or no jail down, and if young children are involved, she may very well retrieve custody within a few years.

She can do all this because society has become convinced that a woman's accusation against a male is true -- that is, there is a social tendency to presume female innocence and male guilt. On top of that, society is simply more protective of females than males anyway. The deck is stacked against guys and females are held to a much lower standard of personal accountability. All the more reason for guys to approach women cautiously and to be very careful when choosing mates.

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