MANN Announcement: Beta News Site Open for Testing


Today we announce that MANN is trying a user-centric approach to news article review and endorsement. Scott, thanks for setting this up and getting it going. You de man.

It's no secret some regulars feel that the editing of news stories is too exclusive. Well, being that their comments are directed largely at myself, I will refrain here from commenting on their comments. Nonetheless it is fair to say that a more democratic form of news story parsing and rating is in keeping with the spirit of the Internet generally. So MANN now has a beta news site using the Pligg software system of content review and rating-- entirely user-driven. So please, click on the Beta News Site tab at the top, register, and submit and review stories. If it turns out to be a popular means of posting stories here on MANN, we'll switch over to it entirely.

While it's true then that I'll be out of a job, it is also true that I'll have more time to do other MRA-related stuff. So all for the best no matter what.

Hope you all enjoy it, and get Pligging!


P.S./Update: Please contact Scott at directly if you are having problems with registering on the new system, etc. This is a new s/w package both on the site and it's also new to MANN admins, so please be patient. Getting the bugs worked out in stuff like this is one reason for deploying this as a beta site and not just replacing the current site with it.

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I tried to register and the software told me my e-mail address is not correct. I updated my email address in the original account and then tried again to register. Same problem. I then tried to register using the old e-mail address and that wouldn't take either.

What is the software looking for? Are we going to have to log in twice every time we come to this site and use this new news site? Are we going to have to set up two separate user ID's, one for the original news site and one different one for the new site?


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If you are having problems registering on the Pligg, please contact Scott at directly. Sorry for any inconvenience, but as with all new software systems, there are glitches/bugs/etc. But Scott is a good sysadmin and a good engineer; things will get worked out.

As for your questions, yes, there are two different user databases at work here, at least for now-- remember this is BETA mode, meaning that it is here for test and experimentation. The question of migrating user accounts is a different matter, one that we don't have hashed out yet. In the mean time, to post to the beta site, you will have a separate userid. Sorry if logging in twice seems to be an annoyance for you, but again, this is a beta site in public test mode-- not in production-- yet.

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Sorry Dittohd, but yes, you will need to maintain a totally separate user account for the beta site. What you can do is register a new account and use the same password that you use for this site, so you won't have to remember something new, but the two sites are entirely separate.


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I'd like to make it clear too that the beta site is an experiment. Voting systems like the one being used on the beta site are generally geared towards news sites with hundreds or thousands of users. I think the biggest experimental factor of this is to see whether our smaller community is stable enough to keep it going.

Also, please note that at some point in the future, software will be in place to track abuse of the voting system - for example, registering multiple user accounts in order to get more chances to vote on submissions. If and when I discover that anyone is trying to use multiple accounts for that purpose, I reserve the right to block access to the site by that user - it's not fair to everyone else who is using the site as intended.


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I'm not sure what you mean by separate account and database. It seems to me that if the software and database is separate, wouldn't I be able to use the same user ID and password for both, even if I have to sign in twice?

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It appears that the software doesn't like capital letters. After trying again and being rejected again for the same reason, I typed my user ID and e-mail address in using all lower case letters (my password again using capital and small letters as usual) and it took.

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Have links to source(s) for publications (Farrell's books; men's rights "periodicals", etc); and have links to sources of apparel/bumper stickers, etc (like has).

Also, I still maintain that it's a good idea, when someone submits a new comment, to raise that story to the top of the list of stories. Here's an example of how it works:

Initially, the topics might be listed follows:

**Duke Men Found Innocent (7 comments, last comment on 4/7/07 at 1435)
**False Domestic Violence Stats (5 comments, last comment on 4/7/07 at 1300)
**[!HOT!]Ideological Feminists are Screwing Up America (23 comments, last on 4/6/07 0010)

Then, someone makes a new comment on third item above, giving the following new ordering:

**[!HOT!]Ideological Feminists (...) (24 comments, last comment on 4/7/07 at 1843)
**Duke Men (...) (7 comments, last on 4/7/07 at 1435)
**False Domestic Violence (...) (5 comments, last on 4/7/07 at 1300)

It keeps topics from getting burried for too long, if a bunch of new ones get submitted over a short time period, or if someone goes a few days without visiting the board. If some of the other guys are like me, they mainly focus on the first couple pages, especially when in a hurry.


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I think these two new sites are outstanding. I believe you guys are expanding (our message is being heard!) This is definately a positive move based on an apparent increase of the MRA movement. Will these new posting options make this site irrelavant? Will this site disolve in the near future?



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