Winkler Case: Slain preacher's wife denies pulling trigger

Story here. Supposedly her husband "made her" wear "slutty costumes" for sex and was going to kill their daughter since he wanted a son instead. Also, she didn't pull the trigger. The gun just went off.

Yes, indeed. It wasn't her fault in any way, shape or form. She should be released immediately. Uh-huh.

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Damn it must be convenient to have the husband be unable to stand up and say "You're honor, she's fucking nuts"

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The husband is dead.

The husband is male.

There's nothing to lose and everything to gain from the victim-blaming defense; it's automatic. When female killers go to trial the defense strategy is as predictable as the sun rising in the east.

The crying and blaming games make good theater but I suspect the posturing is mainly to avoid the death penalty. Unless the jury is completely unconscious this woman will, at best, be going away for a long time. (But don't rule out the possibility of an unconscious jury)

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Is the prosecution seeking death? I have not heard anywhere that the prosecution is seeking the death penalty in this case. She's a woman. Unless she's serial killer like Eileen Wornos (I hope I spelled her last name correctly) they're not going to be out for blood.

But juries also melt the moment a woman cries in court no matter which side of the court room she sits on, so I wouldn't put a not guilty by reason of having a vagina as past a jury fed on a steady diet of femucation. CSI type shows, and MSM including Court TV

I mean, the gun "just went off" according to her. She conveniently left out the second half of that sentence - after I pulled the trigger - in her statement though. And since we all know women abhor violence - although in my experiences in life nothing makes them hornier then violence - and are stupid of course she couldn't possibly know how to operate a gun. Though I live in Canada where we aren't allowed to have guns in our constitution and yet every woman I know still knows how to operate one.

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The death penalty was not an option for the prosecution nor was life without possibility of parole.

She is an aristocrat (female) after all and social rank has its perks you know.

And if a man had done the same crime he would have been already sentenced to 1000 years in the electric chair. Everyone knows the drill.

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The murdering maggot "almost" got away with it!

Guilty of voluntary manslaughter.

May get up to 7 years in a country club atmosphere prison.
Real hard time.

The main focus of the defense was that she was physically and mentally abused. However, there was little or no real evidence only her word that it happened. And HER word like Crystal Gale Mangum's in the Duke University rape hoax was enough to trivialize and devalue the life of another man.

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3-6 years is what I read. And I bet she serves 3 or less. The feminist lobby will continue cheerleading on her behalf. A husband who shot his sleeping wife would have been sentenced to life without parole.

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