"Equality and a man's right to choose"

Opinion column at the Cavalier, a student(?) paper at University of Virginia. The article can be found here. The author of the piece is Alexander Cohen, who presents some interesting arguments in support of C4M. I shall be interested to see any response letters.

Perhaps Men's/Father's rights are so far out of favor with the powers-that-be as to become interesting to the student population, traditional espousers of "fringe" causes. Or perhaps we have here another example of a young man awakening.

In any case, the column is interesting and perhaps offers some useful arguments.

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That's a very good article.

Only flaw: it's not called the ERA anymore, but something sexist which only guarantees equal rights for woman, not that that makes much sense (except to feminists).

* MB

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The proposed "new ERA" is just like any other ideologically-driven feminist legislation..it really means "equal rights for women", i.e. they are more equal than men. Also I think what they are seeking in it now, is "equality of result" as opposed to traditional equality (equality of opportunity, which women have had for at least the last 20 years).

Equality of result (as discussed in detail in "Legalizing Misandry"), is the idea that generates, for example, affirmative action (for women but not men), and "equity", i.e. "compensating for past wrongs" and/or "leveling the playing field".

An aside: I think equality of opportunity is what Hilary C. is talking about when she says she is a "traditional" feminist. To tell the truth I suspect she is against some of the radical feminist bullshit, but there is no way she is going to speak out, especially when NOW is supporting her candidacy.
At any rate, she is bad news for men overall, since among other things she still espouses the wage gap myth. Think of her as sort of the congressional counterpart to Bader-Ginsberg.


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"...abortion is necessary to promote women's equality by enabling them to avoid the burdens of unwanted motherhood"

yes, and the same could be said for unwanted fatherhood.

oregon dad

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