Winkler Case: Like Clockwork, She was Abused

Story here. Did we not call it, O MANN Regulars? Excerpt:

'SELMER, Tennessee (CNN) -- The woman accused of killing her minister husband teared up as her attorney described how her husband abused and threatened her, and how she shot him and fled with their three young girls to Alabama.
Her attorney said in opening statements Thursday that she didn't know at first that ammunition from the shotgun she fired had hit him.
"We will show you proof that he would destroy objects that she loved, he would isolate her from her family and he would abuse her -- not just verbally, not just emotionally and not just physically -- in other ways too," Farese said.'

OK, show us the proof, counsellor... or is it really even necessary in a US court under these circumstances?

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It appears a gender feminist, domestic violence industry worker is helping little Mary to work "the domestic violence industry scam," only little Mary has began the d.v. scam with a shotgun, instead of her fists.

Working the Domestic Violence Scam

Most likely Mary Winkler's gender feminist, domestic violence industry coached rationalizations will work just fine, judging by the little amount of time she's spent in jail so far for such a heinous criminal act.

Any Excuse Works For Women Who Commit Domestic Violence

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There's a shock. And as usual the media ill take her side and parrot her "defense", lack of evidence be damned. To the media, all women are sweet innocent angels who can do no wrong while males are "all evil scum who must be wiped off the face of the earth." It's impossible to find any balanced coverage regarding situations like these when everyone toes the NOW line.

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You injure or kill someone. When you're arrested, you claim it was "self defense".

After waiting for trial, you must provide convincing evidence which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the action you took was necessary to prevent imminent harm to yourself or others (or to prevent the loss of property in some jurisdictions).

You can't claim it because someone harmed you last month, or might harm you in the future. You had to be preventing serious harm right at the very instant you pulled the trigger - hurt feelings don't count - and you have to be able to prove it.

If you can't prove it, you go to jail, sometimes forever. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

When women stop using their vaginas as get out of responsibility/jail free cards, I'll start entertaining the notion that they're "equal".

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