20/20 Gushes with "A Wife Behind Bars"

Saw it last night on the tube. The video is on-line here. Synopsis: They portray the wife of dead Marine Todd Sommer as a victim of circumstance and faulty lab work. Plenty of up-closes with her crying as she sat behind a desk in jail. In short: the usual predictable stuff.

Right after her husband is dead from arsenic poisoning, she rushes to collect his insurance money, buys herself breast implants, parties at strip clubs and bars like a Girls Gone Wild'er, sleeps around like there is no tomorrow, and ABC has the nerve portray her as having a "unique way of processing her grief" and "trouble adjusting", and certainly not guilty of murdering him. Note to men: Don't try this yourself. You need to be female to even start thinking you can get away with it.

Contact ABC.com information is here.

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What was the name of the guy who was convicted of murder and got life for killing his pregnant wife, even though they never found any hard evidence linking him to the murder? As I remember the case, he was convicted based solely on his unusual way of acting after the wife was gone.

I want to refer to this case in my reply to ABC's 20/20. I watched the segment last night and was disgusted by it.

(My memory for names is really bad. This was a big case at the time.)


I found it through Google! I'm referring to the Scott Peterson case. Anybody else here see the similarities in the convictions? I wonder if 20/20 did a similar piece for Scott. (Joke! Joke!)

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He was also convicted of killing a fetus his wife could have aborted for any reason or no reason.

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Didn't Scott Peterson get the death penalty?

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I just checked. You're right. Disgusting! So shouldn't this wife found guilty of killing her husband get the same?

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Scott Peterson received the death penalty because he was convicted of killing multiple people - his wife and their fetus. In California, if he killed only his wife, he would not have been eligible for the death penalty. A fetus is a human being with a name (Connor Peterson) when its viability is terminated by the husband, but is a mass of tissue when its viability is terminated by the mother.

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