New housing solution for male sex offenders

In another sign of the increasingly poor treatment of male sex offenders, Miami has decided to house some male sex offenders under a bridge.

Interesting that no women sex offenders appear to be subjected to this sort of housing discrimination. I doubt you'll ever see women sex offenders sleeping under a bridge being gnawed on by rats. Only men appear to be deserving of this dehumanized under-the-bridge "troll" treatment.

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... of the charges but was convicted anyway. As bad as life in jail is, at least he can stay dry and eat regularly while trying to exonerate himself. What happens though if he can't find a place to live and the state's answer is to, essentially, do nothing? This is the answer of course, when you tell him to go live under a bridge.

I am not trying to say actual sexual predators should not be punished or not monitored. What I am saying is that there should not be a distinction between the circumstances that male ones may find themselves living under as mandated by law than female ones. Interesting a murderer has no such obligation to register as anything anywhere while on parole or after release from prison, but a man convicted of a sex offense is.

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David A. DeLong

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of ignorance I am afraid! In this day and age how can anyone be blaze' about this? Men are made wage slaves to the justice department, Men are denied their Constitutional Rights (Just What Are Those Anyway?) and Men continue to be vilified on a daily basis. Men also are being set up to get arrested for child abuse, harrassment etc. on a daily basis. What about a little equality? What about the rights that we are supposed to be afforded by the laws of our own nation? It still is a Good day To Die!

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I, under no circumstances defend sexual predators. I am
pro-human rights. When an individual is released from prison (Time Served!), that person has payed his debt to society. Monitor the predators, which seems necessary, but to destroy their civil liberties is disgusting. When an individual is realesed from prison, that person has served his time, and should not have his basic rights destroyed. Living under a bridge with filthy rats, no food, and diseased running water is a blatant disregard of standard humane issues. Would a woman be subjected to such horrible conditions? No need for me to ansewer my own question (its obvious)...We don't rehabilitate men, but throw them away. Once again, predator issues disturbs me, but an individuals rights should not be determined by an angry court system or an arrogant media that perceives all men as sexual beasts.


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"I, under no circumstances defend sexual predators."

Even men who stand up for mens rights have to throw in a disgusts me.

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I'm including a link to the blog of one of the guests on the show. She has the video included on her page - not much sympathy from this 'conservative' blogger.

Seems no one wants to bring up the easy question of why women sex offenders aren't being treated 'equally' to these men. The message is clear. If you're a 43 year old women molesting a 12 year old boy you'll get some jail time but then you have the option/freedom of living with your former victim (Mary Kay Letourneau), but if you're a 43 year old man molesting a 12 year old girl in Miami you'll end up living under a bridge.

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I feel exactly the same way!

Found guilty - Did you time - paid for your crime! You should then be allowed to live like any other free citizen and have the opportunity to get on with your life free of crime.

Sex offenders DESPERATELY need people to stand up for them as more then 95% of them ARE NOT - and really are nothing like - what you picture in your mind when you hear the term 'sexual predator'

Sex offenders as a class of offenders are THE LEAST VIOLENT, and LEAST LIKELY TO RE-OFFEND of any of the criminals who have committed a violent crime, or for that matter felony of any kind. Heck, very few sex crimes involve physical violence at all.

Demonizing, dehumanizing and torturing sex offenders makes communities LESS SAFE! A person who feels beaten, abused and trapped with no way out = like they have nothing left to lose - whether a sex offender or not is a potentially extremely dangerous person.

With the ever expanding definition of 'sex offender' - and subsequently rapidly expanding class of 'sex offenders' do you really want to create a group of hundreds of thousands of men around the country that feel like they have nothing left to lose? Is that going to protect women and children? Or eventually is that going to create much more crime and much deadlier crime then anything we see now? What happens when that National sex offender Registry created by AWA is a list in the millions? You think any amount of police will be able to monitor them? The sex offender registry and all draconian restrictive laws will eventually, both fail and backfire in extremely tragic ways.

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anthony wrote... "I, under no circumstances defend sexual predators."

Pentium 4 wrote...."Even men who stand up for mens rights have to throw in a disgusts me."

Your over anaylizing a simple sentence. I'm not going to lose any sleep if I disgust some here.



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In Florida a man (or boy) can be convicted of child sexual assault if he has consensual sex with a 16 or 17 yo female.
(The same rules should apply to females too, but you know the drill.)
In Georgia on the northern state boundary the age of consent is 16. So a man (or boy) can be tainted for life as a child rapist in Florida but would not be prosecuted if he went across the state boundary to have a consensual sexual encounter with a female in her late teens. A 16+ female is NOT A CHILD!

However, anyone who does have sex or molests a genuine child is in my opinion seriously mentally ill and needs in depth medical/psychiatric treatment and not put away under highway bridges by the damn state! That is barbaric, cruel and unusual punishment. That should not be happening in the United States!

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We're all just evil potential rapists and cash/labor dispensers according to our culture. We ALL belong homeless and "under bridges" unless someone is getting good value out of us. It amazes me that more men aren't intentionally placed in such situations by government policy.

Oh, wait a second. We are. Inadequate funding for issues of homelessness and chronic mental health care (most of which affect men far more than they affect women, despite the medical profession's consistent claims that women are more likely to suffer from everything - I guess that must be why women live so much longer than us), the eviction of men from their families and homes, debtors prisons for disabled and unemployed fathers, preferred access to education and employment for women - all of these very intentional goals of government policy have the direct effect of driving men everywhere into the streets and "under bridges".

Clearly that's exactly where our societies and governments feel we belong. Remember - men don't need domestic violence shelters or treatment of any kind - we only deserve prisons. Just ask any feminist. Or a member of your government. (Both of those people are fully interchangeable, so at least you'll save some time).

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They change often. Many States are adjusting their age of consent laws to leave no potential sex offender off the registry (applicable to males only of course). Many States now have - and many more are following suit - consent laws that restrict the age of the person with whom the legally able to consent person is having sex with to only a year or two older. Balance of power, men are pigs, women cant consent even when they can type reasons... we all know the drill.

So even if the age of consent is 16, that 16 year old girl may only be able to consent to having sex with a 14-18 year old. Of course that's like telling some one they can buy any car on the lot of 1000 cars as long as it's only one of these 4 cars. You know, women need protecting. They don't need freedom of choice or responsibility for their own choices. So if a 16 year old - of the legal age of consent in some States - sleeps with a 28 year old she met at a club she snuck into, it's definitely the 28 year olds fault and he's a rapist. I mean, you just can't use the excuse that you didn't ask for three pieces of ID before you slept with her just because you met her at a place that doesn't allow people under 21 in the door. I mean, of course we all know full well that 16 year old find 28 year olds gross and icky and they are all innocent and would never sneek into a club and hit on every guy in the place like a nymphomaniac to get free drinks. I can't even believe I was able to imagine such a scenario, I mean it's so unlikely.

Girls rush to be 'all grown up' but when something scares them about being all grown up we immediately allow them to run back to childhood and severely punish anyone responsible for scarring a little girl.

When are we ever going to step out of denial for half a second and realize that the sex laws and our sexual ideals have almost zero to do with actual human behavior and sexuality?

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