America Must Protect Itself From the Dangerous, Violent Fragility of White Male Mediocrity.
Article here. Excerpt:
'America has always been hijacked by the violent fragility of a few terrified, mediocre, white men.
They need sanitized safe spaces to protect themselves from a changing, vibrant world that sees them as equals and not superiors. They must ban books that shatter their ego and replace them with fairy tales to prove to themselves and to the world that they are “the master race.” Tragically, their superiority cannot be proven based on merit alone so they must rig the system to keep out women, Black people, and communities of color.
This weakness reveals itself through slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws, and denying women the right to vote until the 20th century. Their cowardice is on display 24-7 through non-stop projection. As they whine and rant on every platform despite being born with privilege and wealth, they demand the rest stop complaining about discrimination and bigotry and instead pull ourselves up from the bootstrap.
All of this chaos was preventable if enough Americans simply voted for Kamala Harris, a competent Black Indian American woman. But, nope, a plurality of Americans needed to “feel” great again by “owning the libs” and dispensing cruelty. Unfortunately, all of us are in it now. There’s still a chance for us to confront the authoritarian threat of violent, wealthy, mediocre, white men who are coming after all of us.'
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Name-calling doesn't work
Suppose any of the ppl talking like this have realized that this approach to taking down (as they want to do, in some way or another) white men isn't working and isn't going to? A few civil rights pioneers have in essence said you can't uplift yourself by beating down other people. How right they were. You'd think today's so-called civil rights advocates would know this by now. Alas they don't and can only hurl insults.
I'd ask them this: Who do you think runs the world? They'd naturally answer "white men, mostly". Aside from this being wrong, I'd reply, Then what makes you think after all this name-calling and social activism that white men are so fragile? White men according to you are not even close to being un-perched at the top of things. What makes you think they're thus so fragile?
The cognitive dissonance in such people is truly a remarkable thing to behold.