"Trump Throws Catnip at His Men’s Rights Activist Base"

Article here. LOL, due process guarantees cause feminists to flip out! Excerpt:

'In 2017, during his first term, Trump introduced rules that strengthened protections for students accused of sexual misconduct and reduced the liability placed on schools to respond to reported misconduct. While Trump’s proposed rule changes didn’t technically take effect until 2020, sexual violence researcher Dr. Nicole Bedera told Jezebel that in her field research of college campuses during the first Trump administration, most schools “immediately used the proposed rule changes in 2017 as grounds to not investigate any sexual misconduct allegations at all.”

In 2022, the Biden administration then introduced Title IX rules that rescinded some of Trump’s and also expanded Title IX to include protections for LGBTQ and pregnant students. The majority of Republican-controlled states challenged Biden’s rules and, in January, a federal judge in Kentucky officially scrapped them.

Among Trump’s former and now reinstated guidelines is an especially cruel requirement that mandates schools hold live hearings for accused students to cross-examine their accusers, which can be highly traumatic for rape survivors. Trump’s rules also allow schools to skirt liability for off-campus assaults, and allow them to use the “clear and convincing evidence” standard of proof when investigating reports.'

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My guess is DJT knows little of the MRM or its goals and even if he did he prob wouldn't care much about them. Like most men he's been raised to be nymphotropic. He's rich and thus he womanizes, as it was once called. Newsflash: the great bulk of rich men womanize a fair bit largely b/c women throw themselves at them hoping to make some bank. But just because he's a womanizer doesn't mean he knows anything about the MRM or sympathizes with same.

Some ppl feel the need to put ppl into us-them buckets. Feminists are known for this. They make out anyone they don't like to be in the MRM in some way. Silly people.

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