Woman Posing as Teen Boy Assaults Girl
Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2007-04-04 19:55
Story here. Truth is stranger than fiction. Excerpt:
'Lorelei Josephine Corpuz, 30, lived for more than a year as a 17-year-old boy named "Mark," according to papers filed in Everett District Court.
As "Mark," Corpuz persuaded the girl's family to let "Mark" live in their home as the girl's boyfriend. Corpuz claimed to be an orphan, police alleged.
It wasn't until police arrested Corpuz on Sunday on an unrelated matter that the girl and her family learned that "Mark" was a woman - and almost twice the age they were led to believe, according to court papers.
That's when officers were told that Corpuz allegedly had beaten and sexually assaulted the girl.'
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AS strange as this story is...
....I am going to restrict my comments to commentary on what the "professionals" (used in the loosest terms possible) think of it. I'm also not going to bother with the cops because most cops are professionals at only one thing - F*ing up.
As for "mental health" professionals, first we here from this woman:
"This is an extremely unusual story," said Lucy Berliner, director of the Harborview Center for Sexual Assault and Trauma Stress in Seattle. "Female-on-female sexual abuse is the rarest category. It doesn't happen very often at all."
Obviously not a lesbian inductee, but definitely a subscriber to 'Feminist Sexual Assault Theory Weekly'. In reality - the one where people actually live and not just theorize about - female on female sexual assault is undoubtedly the absolute most common form of sexual assault - watch any of the tens of thousands of 'Spring Break Videos' and then open you current feminist theory handbook and refer to the chapters defining sexual assault. I know, it frames it in context of man perp, woman victim, but still, there is at least a whole page on drunkenness nullifying consent.
Not to mention the pages on how sexual assault doesn't need to involve contact - girls call other girls sexually humiliating things all the time in all situations. One needs only to eves drop for a few SECONDS on the average group of females involved in chatter and if the topic du'jour is not man bashing it is almost definitely sexually humiliating the female nearest them that they don't like.
Women just don't have to face consequences, they do however sexually assault and rape every bit as often if not more often then men.
Her second bit of input involving this case is just as priceless:
The combination of being abused - then learning her trust was misplaced - may be especially difficult for the girl, Berliner said.
"One is trauma, the other is shocking," she said. "Having both at the same time is very likely to make the effects of the abuse worse."
Here she reveals herself to be a "professional" who has never in her life so much as picked up a dictionary (medical or otherwise) to bother and look up what any of the things she diagnoses people mean.
Can someone please explain to me - cause I'm honestly lost on this one - how you can have trauma without a form of shock? Whether we're talking medically or psychologically, trauma follows shock. Shock doesn't always lead to trauma, but trauma invariably springs from some form of shock (especially when talking psychologically).
Perhaps the shock she was referring to was the shock that her feminist rooted ideologies don't hold up for one second in reality.
Next we hear from this guy:
...said Dr. Frank Ochberg, a Michigan psychiatrist and internationally known expert on the effects of trauma.
"In this kind of case it's almost inevitable that there will be a period of time when the victim blames herself and feels embarrassed," he said.
"A lot of what you deal with is self-blame. You'd think the perpetrator would feel shame and embarrassment, but it doesn't work that way. It's the victim who feels that way."
I am going to take a wild guess here that he has a PhD in Feminist theory. I know of no other way to become an international known mental health professional in this day and age so I'm sure I'm not far off the mark.
Again, he needs to pull his head out of a dry old femwits genitals and take a single glance at the real world.
Now I don't deny that this girl will feel shame, guilt and embarrassment. I'm sure she will. I'm not without understanding of victims - I'm young enough that I got taught victim theory from pre-kindergarten in school.
Where he really misses the boat is the other side of the coin. One needs only to look at male suicide statistics, male prisons, G.A. and A.A., divorced males (fathers or not), and many more areas to see that the 'guilty' party often feels unbearable shame, guilt, embarrassment etc.
It's just easier to not look at it when we are imposing punishment on some one. Can't have sympathy for the guilty.
I for one think that's the wrong approach but you know, the practice of dehumanizing those who are termed guilty has gone one for the entirety of human existence so it's kind of hard to change.
I'm not saying this woman isn't severely ill, and in need of some punishment for the harm she has caused. I'm just saying there is more to it then guilty = inhuman, victim = saint. Rehabilitation MUST be focus number one. Reconciliations where possible.
We need to rethink the victim/perpetrator dynamic especially in intimate situations. A great deal of trauma for all parties concerned can be eliminated by thinking of everyone involved as human beings.
Good analysis, Paragon
We need to rethink the victim/perpetrator dynamic especially in intimate situations. A great deal of trauma for all parties concerned can be eliminated by thinking of everyone involved as human beings.
Sadly, it's mostly men who tend to think of everyone involved as human beings and we don't get much say in the laws and standards of our culture (see the free e-book "If Men Have All The Power, How Come Women Make The Rules"). We have even less input on the design of treatment and intervention programs, which are overwhelmingly designed and administered by feminists.
Our culture teaches women (and attempts to teach men) that women are always innocent victims, and that men are always evil perpetrators. It's a necessary component of our women-as-perpetual-children society that only men are blamed when something bad happens. Essentially all "treatment" programs are based on that model. That's why the system goes bananas when BOTH the victim and the perp are female. It doesn't know which man to blame, since only men can be blamed.
You're right Paragon - society needs to rethink the way we view and deal with victimization and trauma in this society. Until we do the problems we face will only get worse.
For instance, I was watching a documentary on addiction last night. In one of the segments, a 15-year-old addict is shown in treatment. He seems a fairly standard troubled kid who started using drugs to treat psychological/psychiatric issues around age 10. I think he was probably an undiagnosed borderline or bipolar patient, but he's never been properly assessed, diagnosed or treated. The "treatment" model he's involved with is the standard blame 'n shame, failure-prone type.
Then the camera cuts to the "step dad" - an archetypal cuckoo who takes control of the situation for his own benefit but accepts no responsibility for anything - he's just stepping in to get some pussy after the last guy got wise and beat it.
Got wise, I say? Read on.
The documentary then cuts to mommie dearest. 40-ish. Expensive braces on the teeth. Expensive chemical peels and botox in the face. Expensive hair work. Expensive fake tits and skin-tight top in every single shot.
The whole world is about her needs, including the asshole stepfather whose only real purpose is to prop up her failing middle-aged ego. The needs of this obviously mentally ill child of hers are simply an imposition. The whole "treatment" program consists of blaming the boy for his problems, and telling him how he'll be held responsible for any mistakes he makes. The fact that the boy is clearly suffering from an obvious mental illness, and that the "parents" are legally obligated to obtain proper medical attention for him is lost between the fake tits and the braces.
Naturally the whole segment focused on the boy as the source of all the issues, when the mother was a textbook case of pathological narcissism. But since we have to blame men, and the stepfather wasn't a big part of the picture, blame went to this mentally ill boy. We couldn't possibly blame the negligent, selfish bimbo of a mother who is a textbook case of NPD, now could we? Of course not. According to our culture, women are just children with the rights of adult men, so they can't be held responsible for anything they do.
You have to wonder how many million people are suffering unnecessarily so feminists can continue to push the myth of women as princesses.