Is it time to stop men congregating in groups?

Article here. Denying men the right of association is a hallmark of dictatorships. I guess it may also be a hallmark of a gynocracy. Excerpt:

'All of which begs the question: if we have so many examples of the threat posed to women’s safety by allowing large groups of males to congregate together, should we be considering limiting their ability to do so?
Perhaps, given the clear and consistent evidence that aggressive and anti-social behaviour is heightened when men congregate in groups, authorities should be looking at ways to curtail this?
But if, as a man, the idea of your civil liberties being impinged upon in such a profound way rankles, ask yourself: what civil liberties do you believe women should have when we walk out into the world?

Because whether we’re doing the shopping on an innocuous Saturday afternoon, walking to our car after dark, playing a game of weekend footy or simply doing our jobs, the truth is inescapable: we’re at an unacceptably heightened risk of violence from men.
And until men in groups start raising their voices against this abuse, rather than staying silent or worse, crying #notallmen, I’m hard-pressed to think of a reason why this lack of personal freedom should be our burden to carry instead of theirs.'

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Gearhart outlines a three-step proposal for female-led social change from her essay, "The Future–-If There Is One–-is Female":

I) Every culture must begin to affirm a female future.
II) Species responsibility must be returned to women in every culture.
III) The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.
Gearhart does not base this radical proposal on the idea that men are innately violent or oppressive, but rather on the "real danger is in the phenomenon of male-bonding, that commitment of groups of men to each other whether in an army, a gang, a service club, a lodge, a monastic order, a corporation, or a competitive sport." Gearhart identifies the self-perpetuating, male-exclusive reinforcement of power within these groups as corrosive to female-led social change. Thus, if "men were reduced in number, the threat would not be so great and the placement of species responsibility with the female would be assured."

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She wanted to reduce the male population by 90%. She clearly had no understanding of the consequences of such a horrible action would be, assuming that it could even be carried out.

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The author is conflating the vastly diverse kinds of groups of men into one category, where she sees all as dangerous. She lumps everything from gang members to benevolent fraternal organizations into the same group. Flawed logic that has no place in journalism.

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