Sexual equality has been a disaster for men – especially when it comes to dating

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men are in crisis. So found Danny Dyer in How to Be a Man, a Channel 4 documentary about modern masculinity (part two is on tomorrow night). And, he discovered, it’s young men who are struggling most of all. They complain of being endlessly lectured about the evils of “toxic masculinity”; say they’re victims of “misandry” (anti-male prejudice); and find themselves being led astray by unsuitable online role models such as Andrew Tate.

No doubt there’s some truth in what they say. Frankly, though, I think there’s a much bigger reason why so many young men today feel confused, lonely and inadequate. But we don’t like to talk about it, because it’s just a tiny bit awkward.

Still, let’s be honest for once and say it. The rise of sexual equality over the past 50-plus years has been great for women. But it’s been a disaster for men. Especially in the field of dating.

The uncomfortable truth, at least if you’re a young man, is that women nowadays are free to be an awful lot choosier than they used to. In the days when the sexes were wildly unequal, and women were thus far less likely to be financially independent, many felt compelled to marry the first passable solvent man they met. Settle down at 18, become a housewife, have children. Well, what else was there to do?

Now that young women tend to have things like careers and money, however, they can afford to have higher standards in their choice of partner. And let’s face it, we men haven’t necessarily risen to that particular challenge. Hence the rise of “incels”, or involuntary celibates – that is, men who can’t get a girlfriend.'

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This article is unhelpful and belittling to men and boys. The ending is an absurd attempt at a joke.

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mens_issues, I can see how you would view his article that way. His conclusion though I think was tongue-in-cheek. Truth is, there is no fix for this problem. Female primate hypergamy is hard-coded in the female brain. There's no getting rid of it. It's simple scientific fact. Men'll never get women to evaluate them principally in any other way but through that lens. As goes the birthrate, so goes the society. Western society is doomed. It will be overtaken and replaced by a society that by one means or another produces children. I'll leave it to you (or, more generally, the reader) to figure out what kind of society I am thinking of. There are a few candidates, with one leading the pack noticably.

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