Phyllis Schlafly Attacks The Feminist Movement

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Kim Gandy has nightmares about Phyllis Schlafly. She is politically incorrect, and I love it! Even though she's 81 years old, the woman still knows how to battle the feminist hypocrisy. Excerpt:

"LEWISTON - For four decades, right-wing icon Phyllis Schlafly has been an anti-feminist spokeswoman for the national conservative movement.

Schlafly, now 81, brought her long-running campaign to Bates College on Wednesday night in a lecture titled "Conservativism vs. Feminism: The Great Debate," which played to a near-capacity crowd of more than 135 students and visitors at Chase Hall."

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"I was appalled," said Wyzanski, a co-leader of the Feminist Action Committee, a wing of a national group. "We're an educational institution and we're supposed to be teaching people to think critically, with an open mind. Not necessarily to be liberals, but at least to have an open mind."

Typical response from any close-minded person. I will admit some of Schlafly's comments were a bit harsh but what better way to teach open-mindedness then to present both sides of a topic or topics? The Feminist Action Committee needs to have a talk with their co-leader about her choice of words.

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Simply spewing heavily politicized rhetoric back and forth is not intellectualism, it's not debate, and it's not what academia is about, so Schlafly is just as out of place at a university as a radical feminist. Both are an affront to the very idea of academia, which is supposed to be about the open-minded pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.

While she's perfectly entitled to hold and express her opinions freely, Schlafly is a hardcore neocon, not an anti-feminist or an MRA. Her sort of agitprop doesn't add to anyone's perspective, it doesn't help anyone to question anything and it serves no purpose other than to divide and polarize opinions, making it even harder for our calls for justice to be heard. If we expect to make progress against the self-proclaimed "academics" who have hijacked university campuses in the name of feminist gender politics, we need to de-politicize the debate over men's issues, and Schlafly and her crowd do exactly the opposite. This doesn't help us, it harms us. Read the comments following the article if you don't believe me.

There's no doubt that academia is the breeding ground of the delusional paranoia that is radical feminism, and that politically conservative ideas are generally (and wrongly) unwelcome therein, but simply yelling contrary positions back at the academy for political effect isn't going to change that.

Phyllis Schlafly is just as much a problem as the iron-clad feminist blowhards like Gandy - even if some parts of what she says suit mens' interests from time to time - because just like the campus misandrists, she's all about politicizing the issues.

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