CWFA: NOW 's Endorsement of Hillary Will Not Sway Women’s Votes

Article here. Excerpt:

“Hillary needs a reality check if she thinks that a majority of women voters embrace radical feminism or will be swayed to vote for her because she has been endorsed by NOW,” said Dr. Crouse. “Three out of four women describe the word ‘feminist’ as an insult, according to a CBS poll. Women recognize that the feminist ideology poses problems like abortion-on-demand, federally mandated day care, sexual orientation special agenda, and anti-masculinity. The movement is largely dead because their basic premise and icons are being rejected by mainstream America.”

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Geraldine Ferraro is in Hillary's court

'She outlined her plans for a display of female solidarity with the Democratic presidential frontrunner last week in an interview in her office overlooking Ground Zero, where the World Trade Centre once stood in lower Manhattan.
Hillary is overwhelmingly the best candidate for 2008," she said. "I am not backing her because she's a woman, but isn't it wonderful that she is a woman?"

Her expectations of a dirty fight are mirrored in the camps of Sen Clinton's opponents. They say that the New York senator's own "war room" staff have already collected extensive background files on her rivals, ready to go "negative" as the battle for 2008 heats up.'

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"They say that the New York senator's own "war room" staff have already collected extensive background files on her rivals, ready to go "negative" as the battle for 2008 heats up."...mc99

I don't want to reveal my candinate for '08 quite yet. I'll use Giuliani as an example considering he has a huge lead among Republicans. Rudy, former Us Attorney was considered number #3 as far as top US Attorneys during the Reagan administration. He knows how to battle a political opponent. Rudy will generate millions for his '08 run, and I'm certain he has assembled a staff that will match Hillary's negative battle. Believe me, there is alot of dirt that will be exposed regarding Hillary.

Also keep in mind, Hillary has never had a strong political opponent. Rudy dropped out of his senate run due to prostate cancer. A last minute attempt to replace him resulted in Rick Lazio. A individual who did not have the political experience or name recognition. He was easily defeated. In '06 Hillary was challenged by the current Mayor of Yonkers. An unknown candinate with a relatively poor record as mayor. Yonkers crime rate has increased and their economy is weak. Again, an easy defeat for Hillary. Her presidential run will be expediently more difficult. Good luck Hillary...your gonna need it!

One last point. After 9/11 Hillary, the current NY Senator did not attend ONE funeral for people that perished in the disaster. (including police officers and firemen).. (notice, I don't say "Firefighter".) Rudy attended over 100 funerals. Hillary will eventaully be attacted regarding her insensitivity.



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Anthony said:

Also keep in mind, Hillary has never had a strong political opponent.

I think you have hit the mark here anthony.

I am not that familiar with NY State politics but I am sure that the Republican Party is pretty much a lap dog for the Democratic machine in that state. They have never fielded a viable candidate against the Hildabeast.

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CWA (Concerned Women for America) appears to be an evangelical whacko cult of Stepford Wives who want to impose their extremist beliefs on normal society by destroying the Constitutional principle of the separation of church and state ---

RE: their Christo-fascist dogma –

"Churches can make a tremendous difference
in government and public policy by
helping the members of their congregations
be informed, responsible citizens.
As part of its mission, a church should
educate on:

* vital issues of public policy
(e.g., abortion, education, taxes, etc.);

* sound principles of government;

* responsible citizenship;

* the importance of involvement.

A church can educate its congregation

* preaching from the pulpit;
* teaching Sunday school classes;
* sponsoring seminars on topics such as
Biblical principles of government;
* providing literature tables for the
distribution of educational materials."

This propaganda has no place on any men's rights website, and should be condemned for what it is.

Toxic waste.

Check out these faux-fem-Jesus whackjobs at –

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Thanks for the info Roy. I'm a member of CWA. Needless to say, I don't share your viewpoints, or your interpration of the separation of Church and state. Please quote from the U.S. Constitution the separation of Church and state you cite.

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