Woman charged after husband kills the man she accused of rape

Story here. Excerpt:

"Darrell Roberson came home from a card game late one night to find his wife rolling around with another man in a pickup truck in the driveway.

Caught in the act with her lover, Tracy Denise Roberson — thinking quickly, if not clearly — cried rape, authorities say. Her husband pulled a gun and killed the other man with a shot to the head.

On Thursday, a grand jury handed up a manslaughter indictment — against the wife, not the husband."

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I thought women NEVER lie about rape? My message to this woman: "Poetic Justice"!



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Well, here is a incident where a false rape accusation actually killed someone. Still there is no push to make false rape accusations a felony.

As for this false accuser she will get probation and therapy, probably at taxpayer's expense.

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She's been arrested for making a false police report, the crime may not actually be 'filing a fake rape report', but really do we need a specific law for every type of fake report?

I'd like to buy everyone on that jury a drink for seeing the situation for what it is. I always like to try and see what groups come out and support the absurd act of a woman like this. Any that support her on this are basically telling men not to intervene in a sexual assault.

I'm not a violent person (despite claims that ALL men are violent), one of the few things I could see myself getting violent for would be to stop a rape in action. Fortunately I've never had to do that, and if I did I can't imagine killing the guy, but the idea I could stand trial for asaulting the guy because she cried rape when none existed would make me be damn sure of what was happening before I laid a hand on anyone.

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Simply making the accusation of rape can cost a man everything he has even if he is found not guilty. And some boneheads will still think you did it even after acquittal. The stigma will follow a man the rest of his life. And it can take years to resolve the case. Just ask the Duke University Lacrosse team players. Making a false accusation of rape is light years more serious than simply making a false police report. So yes, there should be a specific felony law concerning false rape accusations.

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The problem is theres no reason that those thing happen from a legal perspective, it's a social problem.

The other problem is, in order for that law to work, you'd have to be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the report was fake. That's a hell of a lot more than most people can prove. The Duke Lacrosse team has been abused by the accuser, the DA, the legal system, and the school. But can you prove they didn't do anything wrong? Certainly the DA can't prove they raped the woman, and evidence shows her story has holes in it that rival the Grand Canyon, and our legal system should dismiss the case entirely because of that. Proving a negative is damn near impossible though, so felony rape accusation would maybe punish 3 people.

Shield laws to protect the accused could protect thousands by not allowing their names to be released until a conviction.

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