Hillary's Bitter Pill: Women Can't Stand Her by Carey Roberts

Essay here.

Its been a while since a Carey Robert's post has appeared. Sit back and enjoy the read! Check out Hillary's "Equal Pay video" link. Excerpt:

'One answer can be found in Hillary's Equal Pay video that is featured on her website. There she repeats the wage-gap chestnut, "Here we are at the beginning of the 21st century and women still earn significantly less than men for doing the same jobs."

But pandering to the "gender wage gap" poses a threat to women's intelligence, and possibly their lifestyles.

That's because men and women don't do the same jobs. Men spend more years in the workforce, work longer hours, and are subjected to far more hazards - 93% of all workplace deaths involve men.'

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Google it.

Hillary fits all the clinical descriptions.

*Unable to experience actual empathy for others.
* Fronting a "false self" that is totally fabricated.
* Experiences other people as "appliances" to be used and discarded.
* Tenuous grip on her own psychological reality ... looks like a multiple-personality with many false faces.
* Believes eveything that she says is TRUTH.
* Capable of anything.....

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People who have a narcissistic personality style rather than narcissistic personality disorder are relatively psychologically healthy, but may at times be arrogant, proud, shrewd, confident, self-centered and determined to be at the top. They may not, however, have an unrealistic image of their skills and worth and are not so strongly dependent on praise to sustain a healthy self-esteem.

Lack of empathy is a hallmark of narcissistic disorders, and sufferers find it extremely difficult to understand others' (and their own) emotional states and impact. This poses serious problems in maintaining close or intimate relationships. They may find it difficult to perceive or admit this flaw, or may reinterpret it as a virtue.

It is also worth noting that the individual expressions of grandiosity or arrogance vary with the person's value system. A person will generally attempt to display superiority as they define it.

Overreacts to criticism, becoming angry or humiliated
Uses others to reach goals
Exaggerates own importance
Entertains unrealistic fantasies about achievements, power, beauty, intelligence or romance
Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
Seeks constant attention and positive reinforcement from others
Is easily jealous
Has a sense of entitlement
Is interpersonally exploitative
Lacks empathy
Displays arrogant behavior
Displays haughty behavior



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Every symptom Anthony cited applies to The Shrub.

We are indeed, a Psychopathic Nation.

Crazy is as crazy does.....

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