Portlandia: New city councillor says 'self-centered' white men allowed to disrupt city council meeting

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jo Ann Hardesty, the first black woman to be elected to Portland's City Council, says white male privilege is to blame for disruptions during weekly council meetings.

"The reality is there are white men who think it's their job to come into Portland City Council and disrupt the meetings," Hardesty said Wednesday.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler on Wednesday called Hardesty's assertion "factually correct."

Hardesty sent a letter to Portland media organizations late Tuesday night explaining her concerns. She said those men act "disruptive, disrespectful and self-centered," and those behaviors may discourage first-timers from visiting council and participating in local politics.

"We fail in our job when we don’t make access equal, accessible, and fair to all who seek a voice in our processes. We live in a state built on white supremacy and the legacies of that history linger on today," Hardesty wrote. "If this is simply about having footage for your YouTube channel or Facebook page, you should be aware that using your privilege in this way cannot continue."'

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... doesn't want "disruptions" during the meeting -- from anyone! They want to just mess with things unchallenged and unabated and go home and not have to deal with the common rabble at the meetings.

Now let's replace all the nasty old evil white guys with anyone else. How long you think it'll be before she starts to complain about "disruptions" then should they actually want a say at city council meetings? Not long.

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what they're failing to mention is that these "self centered white men" are all extreme, far-left, liberals who are practicing the type of techniques that liberals like, which is disrupting, shouting down, "no platforming" etc.

So typical of the radical left. Everything that comes out of a leftists mouth is a lie.

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