Real Men of the World Launch Anti-Soyboy #BoycottGillette ‘Movement’

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'It’s Monday, January 14, 2019, and we still can’t have nice things.

Gillette ran an ad you have seen today that is very similar to The Talk in that it doesn’t do much in the way of directly advertising the P&G products in question but does make some general, non-partisan commentary on a larger issue or two affecting our society.
In what may be the most predictable backlash to the backlash we have ever seen, someone on the mighty internet has proclaimed from on high that this campaign is offensive because it tells boys and men that they can no longer be (regular, normal?) boys and men.

The ad above is, in our opinions, pretty clearly saying that the following things are bad: bullying, fighting, being an open misogynist, and making your female co-workers feel like shit while ensuring that they don’t get full credit for the work they do.

Apparently not everyone agrees that these are bad things. Or at least they don’t think Gillette should be reminding us that they are.'

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Gillette hires a radical man hating feminist to femsplain toxic masculinity at men and boys, and is surprised by the response. Hahahahahaha

Creator of this disgusting misandry, Kim Gehrig (Australian-born London-based colleague of the prolific hate speecher Clementine Ford), has also penned ode to female genitals and a short film about "toxic masculinity". Just the man hating extreme feminist likely to show men and masculinity in a fair and optimistic way. NOT!!!

Why pick a women to femsplain masculinity anyway. Masculinity is nothing to do with women, and basically none of their business!

Wake up Gillette. "Toxic masculinity " is hate speech, and hiring extreme feminists to denegrate men and sell your product? That's just stupidity.

Most men are not knuckle dragging, wife beating misogynist. Unless you are a misandrist.

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