Gillibrand says she's worried about top options in Dem 2020 poll being white men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said during a televised interview on Friday night that she was worried about a lack of diversity among top potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.

Gillibrand was asked by CNN’s Van Jones about a poll from the network released this week that found that the top three candidates for the Democratic nomination were white men.

The poll showed former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) as the top three potential 2020 Democratic candidates.

"In a party as diverse as ours, does it worry you to see the top three being white guys?" Jones asked Gillibrand, herself a potential presidential candidate, in front of the live audience.

"Yes," Gillibrand responded.

“I aspire for our country to recognize the beauty of our diversity at some point in the future and I hope someday we have a woman president," she continued, when asked to elaborate.'

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Run for the presidency. Go independent and just do it.

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The following is fiction. KG did not write it. But maybe she could have.

"My fellow Democrats:

Frankly, I am disappointed. Not long ago you were all about Hillary and first-womaning the Oval Office. You even voted for her, more than did everyone vote for that disgusting pig we now have stinking up the Oval Office. I mean, he has gold-colored drapes on the windows. The man has no taste, in addition to being a filthy man-pig.

But now just in, a nation-wide poll shows the bulk of you are all about white boys. Just great. There are literally millions, hundreds of millions of women, who could be president, even if some are misguided, dick-whipped by their vile pig-man husbands, or are being coerced into voting Republican by pig-men.

But no. White guys. Again. OK, let me remind you: the big personalities in the Dem Party have vaginas. These include myself of course, and Nan, Max, and Alex, the Socialist with the freaky eyes. We are the Big Swinging Tits of the D Party and don't you plebians forget it. Now we expect the white boy Dems to slither into the booth and vote white male, but you women and persons of color, what the ACTUAL fuck? I mean, we are THE party of anyone neither white nor male nor straight nor binary nor anything else. We are inclusive. We'll even take white boys so long as they know their place. And anyone who toes the party line. So who do you vaunt?

White guys. Three. And they fuck women. At least, near as we can all tell.

Now folks, we can do better. There's really no excuse here. We did Obama. We did Hillary. Only reason she didn't win was that fucking outdated Electoral College thing. And now, here going into 2020, we have vaginas all over the place. The Congress is fairly crawling with vaginas and who do you people send to the Top Three spots? White dudes. Again.

I have spent years trying to minimize my exposure to white males. I spend as little time with my husband as I can. Yes he's a goddamned white male. I was young. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time. And he financed my entree into politics. But while he's been supportive, he is a white male. He's straight, too. So I minimize my time with him.

Just looking at that vile pig-man white guy in the White House on TV makes me taste my lunch in my mouth again, mixed with digestive acid, of course. Barf-a-rama. And now, if our 2020 candidate is YAGWB (Yet Another Goddamned White Boy), we'll have white dick under the Oval Office desk AGAIN for four more years.

It's been white dicks under that desktop for over 200 years, except for 8 years of black dick. And even then, that dick could have been a lot blacker. And now... more white dick. SSDD.

What, you people have given up? You've tossed in the towel? You'll just roll over and accept the White Patriarchy asserting its hegemony like a bunch of dick-whipped handmaid breeder-cows from The Handmaid's Tale?

You people make me sick. I mean, I want to grab my office waste basket and barf my brains out when I think of what a bunch of rollovers you all are.

Now get out there and start breaking white balls. I can't bust every white ball myself now can I? I need assistance and I need you people to step up and fuck the White Patriarchy in its collective ass, no lube.

Thank you.

In Democrat solidarity,


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