Misandry: an unwanted epidemic that is certainly not a hate crime

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ah, misandry. A somewhat mythical concept that only crawls out of the woodwork in accusations of ‘sexism against men’ and in classic examples of whataboutism. Within the government’s new initiative to tackle hate crime, Sajid Javid has proposed to enshrine misandry in the ranks of abhorrent prejudice, alongside misogyny. Under this new initiative, prejudice that has led to the murder, rape, enslavement, abuse, harassment, lack of access to institutional benefits and the general mistreatment of women will be made illegal. This, as well as a bit of petty online name calling that leads to men getting hurt feelings.

A more dangerous consequence of this move is that women with genuine qualms about men will be silenced. Men will become emboldened in their misogyny if the law deems that they are capable of being victims of misandry. How many men, like Trump and Kavanaugh, will decry their valid sexual assault accusations simply as misandrist nonsense? How many women, like Christine Blasey Ford, will be dismissed simply as raging misandrists with an evil agenda? How many awful people will unjustly become the pitied victim in these scenarios?

This article is not here to pander to the sensitivities of men, it is here to tell the truth and demonstrate the reality of millions of women worldwide. Unlike misogyny, misandry is not, and never will be, an issue on such an epidemic scale that it needs to be acknowledged in law. After all, as Margaret Atwood once said, “men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.”'

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If misandry were a crime, she'd be the first one thrown in jail.

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